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I have been getting into arguments over Anarchy with many people - so I have decided to make my standing about governments and people. The delicate balance between those in power and those who think they have power.
For those unfamiliar with Anarchy here are some link's and quotes.
Anarcho-Capitalism (The one I share beliefs with)
Mali - The Gift Economy
This is a form of living that does not involve nor need a government, and therefore could be considered an Anarchical system. Could you imagine a world like this, rather then one small, poor town? Everyone gave knowing but not expecting something to come in return. They gave simply because the other needed.
Anarchism can work outside of just theory. Everything is better in theory, so yes it will have it's flaws. But so does a democratic government. A democracy is almost perfect in theory - but far worst in realistic scenarios.
So then let's discuss?
I have been getting into arguments over Anarchy with many people - so I have decided to make my standing about governments and people. The delicate balance between those in power and those who think they have power.
For those unfamiliar with Anarchy here are some link's and quotes.
Anarcho-Communism (The one I do not share beliefs with)Please note that there are different beliefs on Anarchism as well. Two major forms being:
- No rulership or enforced authority." [1]
- "Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder."[2]
- "A social state in which there is no governing person or group of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder)."[3]
- "Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere."[4]
- A society free from coercive authority of any kind is the goal of proponents of the political philosophy of anarchism (anarchists).
- Independent from rule or authority.
- Legitimacy of a state is gained through consent, not through coercion.
andAnarchist communism advocates the abolition of the state, private property and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production,[1][2] direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations, workers' councils and/or a gift economy through which everyone will be free to satisfy their needs.
Anarcho-Capitalism (The one I share beliefs with)
Example of working Anarchism (However Anarcho-Communism...)Anarcho-capitalism (a form of free-market anarchism),[1] is an individualist anarchist[2] political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state and the elevation of the sovereign individual in a free market. In an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, and all other security services are provided by voluntarily-funded competitors such as private defense agencies rather than through compulsory taxation, and money is privately produced in an open market. Because personal and economic activities are regulated by the natural laws of the market through private law rather than through politics, victimless crimes and crimes against the state would be rendered moot.
Mali - The Gift Economy
This is a form of living that does not involve nor need a government, and therefore could be considered an Anarchical system. Could you imagine a world like this, rather then one small, poor town? Everyone gave knowing but not expecting something to come in return. They gave simply because the other needed.
Anarchism can work outside of just theory. Everything is better in theory, so yes it will have it's flaws. But so does a democratic government. A democracy is almost perfect in theory - but far worst in realistic scenarios.
So then let's discuss?