Here's how my day went with amiibos.
"I'm tired of

Fire Mario,

Bidizzle, and

Lugy getting tied on the amount of wins. Let's just put Lugy on steroids".
Lugy now has
+102 attack
+14 defense
+4 speed
+Exploding perfect sheild
+Heal sheilding
+Life steal
+Bouncing Fire ball
Before was (not as accurate because I don't remember)
+24 attack
+7 defense
+5 speed
+Exploding perfect sheild
+Heal sheilding
+Life steal
Bidizzle always has
- Weakened jump
Fire Mario has no stat boost and is normal. Only thing going for him is that he is customed painted but that's it.
Surprisingly, at the time Lugy had
+72 attack
+12 defense
+9 speed
+Exploding perfect sheild
+Heal sheilding
+Life steal
And did a 1v1 against Fire Mario 8 stock... Fire Mario won with 2 stocks left...
Now Lugy is a beast. I also had to step it up for him so he now does 1v2 3 stocks against custom level 9 cpus since obviously cpus are tougher with customs on. Of course you can guess that Lugy owns at it. I'm surprised that Bidizzle can still keep up and win 50% of the time against him. So I guess that didn't entirely solve them being tied all the time...Same goes with Fire Mario (again, he has no equipment on at all). I made Lugy much more powerful and the other 2 seems to keep up it's insane.
I also have trouble fighting Lugy myself. I can still win with no customs but I need to play almost perfectly on what move I make. I need to do a combo to do some damage while Lugy's fireball alone does some damage (at least 12% from a fireball). Not only that but if he perfect shields, you just instantly took 30% damage because his shield can explode. Not to mention he heals by normally shielding and attacking me. By the time I do 30% to him he can do one combo to fully heal himself and making go from 0-50%.
Basically he is a train wreck that not even 2 level 9 cpus with customs can beat which is something Bidizzle and Fire Mario isn't trained for yet. I can definitely see a 1v3 potential from Lugy.
I also had to reset Curbie

. He couldn't beat a level 9 kirby which is how he was trained since level 4-50 (free for all with 3 other amiibos that started out level 1 as well). So it was ashame to see him lose since he started to defeat a level 9 kirby since he was level 26. He is fine now. He's not as great as the others but that is what he usually was anyway since he was one of my experiments along with 3 other amiibos who were all trained differently (although

are great amiibos and

was worse).