Fire Ball lost to Lugy, it was a close match especially in the first round where they both were high percentage and on the last stock (Fire Ball did win the first round out of 3). Lugy was still superior for the rest of the match. I'll put up a replay so you can look at the final match and I'll be specific with the details so you can find it easier.
Character: Luigi or Mario
Mode: Smash
Stage: Battlefield
Region: United States
Comment: Smashing Battle
I also put Fire Ball up against a team of 7 level 9 cpus, this time with team attack on. It was very interesting to see Fire Ball wining and I did the same with Lugy.
Since we are talking about amiibo names, I'll share mine with the model and in game color.

Fire Ball (Silver mario/Green)

Fire Mario (Custom smash mario/Fire flower suit)

Bidizzle (Original smash/Purple)

Lugy (Original smash/Yellow with green pants)

Pak-Mon (Original smash/Black)

Shar (Original smash/Red)

Not Mario (Original smash/ classic red)

Onion Ring (Original smash/Gray)

Toon Lenk (Original smash/Purple)

Danky Kang (Original smash/Yellow)

Nintendu (Original smash/Blue)

Bowwow (Original smash/Yellow)

Curbie (Original smash/Green

Lamp (Original smash/Red)

Bozer (Original smash/Red)

Dr. Bidizzle (?) (Original smash/Purple)

Ice Kirby (Custom smash kirby/blue)