Sorry fastfallers, but you're going to get exposed by the Monado's power today!
Patch 1.1.4 翔(Jump) Up throw > Air Slash

No DI: Don't do AS
DI'ing away: 48% - 82%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: Don't do AS

No DI: 44% - 117%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 44% - 124%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 44% - 124%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 71% - 77%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 68% - 84%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 73% - 80%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 55% - 125%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 54% - 123%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 56% - 127%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 48% - 97%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 48% - 100%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 48% - 97%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 39% - 105%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup. It's optional, but recommended.
DI'ing away: 39% - 105%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 40% - 105%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.
BONUS: Extend the starting range to 38% by Reversing AS & then drift backwards during the startup.

No DI: 52% - 84%. Stay towards them but start drifting backward during the startup.
DI'ing away: 49% - 90%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 49% - 90%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 49% - 79%. Stay towards them but start drifting backward during the startup.
DI'ing away: 49% - 84%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 49% - 80%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 50% - 53% & 57% - 73%.
BONUS: This is when you do not drift backward or forward whatsoever.
NOTE: 54% - 56% does not work if you drift backwards, forward, or don't drift at all. Because of Bat Within airdodge, she avoids AS1 during this small percentage range.
DI'ing away: 50% - 68%. Hold towards them.
NOTE: From 49% & below, her Bat Within from her airdodge avoids AS1. From 69% & beyond, she can Bat Within airdodge after AS1 to avoid AS2. From 81% & beyond, she can straight-up Bat Within airdodge to avoid AS1.
DI'ing behind: 57% - 65%. This is done when you Reverse AS & hold towards them.
BONUS: Extend the ending range to 75% if you Reverse AS & then drift backwards during the startup.
NOTE: From 66% to 79% you'll hit with AS1 but her Bat Within airdodge avoids AS2 no matter if you drift or not. From 80% & beyond, she can mash Bat Within airdodge to avoid AS1 no matter if you drift a direction or not.
No DI: 73 - 80%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 50% - 85%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 50% - 83%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 53% - 86%. Stay towards them but start drifting backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 53% - 90%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 53% - 86%. Reverse AS & hold towards them.

No DI: 49% - 83%. This is doing nothing & going straight-up. You can either do this or drift backwards during the startup.
BONUS: Extend the ending range to 84% by staying towards them but start to drift backwards during the startup.
DI'ing away: 49% - 85%. Hold towards them.
DI'ing behind: 49% - 82%. This is done by just Reversing AS & holding towards them.
BONUS: Extend the ending range to 84% by Reversing AS, then drift backwards during the startup.