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ALSM's Matches


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Not bad, most people will prob giv you neg feedback because of the quality and putting up a vid against the cpu. From what I can tell you havnt reached sayin levels but maybe im wrong.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Well, you look like you have a good foundation but you may want to work on a few things. My advice: Try jab canceling more, I don't remember seeing any. Shield grab obivous attacks, such as Ike's UpB. I saw you get hit by that and was like, "Oh! >.< He totally could've got an easy grab!". Also, don't forget about BombSmashing! I saw a few golden opportunities in the vids for a good BombSmash or two. One last thing I would say, is to use a larger variety of mindgames/trapping with your projectiles. These opponents may have fell for the same tricks repetitively, but most people won't.

Oh, btw, that first vid vs "Wolf", well, that's the first time I've ever seen Wolf fight for his friends. xD

Keep working at it. :D


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
I'm in agreement with Blubba, and as an Ike player myself I can say without a doubt that the Ike you fought needs to practice a little more. However, one thing I did notice is you didn't use your DAC accurately. Spend some time in training mode and get used to doing the true DAC (max distance) and the short DAC (about 2/3 distance). Being able to accurately use the DAC properly is a fantastic way to just build up a strong offense with Link. Combining that with the ZAC and everything else can just make it so your opponent can barely breathe.
Work on boxing your opponent in with projectiles. The one thing I noticed with your opponents is they didn't so much bother with evading them, they kind of just walked calmly into a face-full of bombs. I'm sure relative to the people you play your game is alright, but you won't learn how to deal with advanced techs or any relatively level of skill with the people you're playing.
If I were you, I'd hit up the friend finder on SWF or the Wifi ladder on AiB. God knows I hate endorsing Wifi, but it'll teach you how to deal with some of the more annoying techs people use and the characters that have a definite advantage against Link.
As for that Wolf you played, just tell him to tie his C-stick to his nutsack and cough. His game will improve immensely.


Let's rock, baby!
Apr 11, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Sad thing is, this is the level of skill I get to compete against. I know my friends aren't that good, which is why I've been doing some tournament searching. As for WiFi, I don't have my own, but my friends do.


Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2008
Mansfield, Texas
You suck at brawl. You are also gay because you think youure cool when you waste your time recording crappy maches in which you end up getting owned by your unabiliy to play well. YOU SUCK
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