Hey guys, I'm sorry it's been so long (if any of you don't know, the server hates my computer ever since the crash right after the fest with forward) It ALWAYS says "database error", and I checked everything.
SO, w00t posting from anatomy class

<-- I don't like this new smilie
Toast, very nice to meet you

I can't wait to see you this saturday. I'm Neil.
Davis, I gotta thank you again for the brawl parties. I'll bring the pokemon cards saturday. There's only three holos, but considering the sheer quantity of the remaining commons, I'll probably ask no more than $25. Also, I can guarantee that after reading more **** on brawl, I'm not ignorant. Sorry if I offended you. Nintendo Power's review talked about how it's the best game developed by Nintendo EVER, considering the hype and sheer epicness. Nintendo's rating: 10/10 (don't forget famitsu's perfect rating)
I have terrible news. You guys will spend at least the next 15 minutes laughing at me when you read this: I'm not getting Brawl till Wednesday, March 12
I'm not getting Brawl till Wednesday, March 12
I should never have pre-ordered online from gamestop. ****ing they wont ship from california until friday march 7th. what's worse, they guaranteed online that I would get the game within 1 business day of the release date . What's more combo-breaking is that I couldn't request them to ship the order to the store and have me pick it up on sunday.
^&%&^$%^$&^*^*()(*&*^%$##@$@$#(*^&#@!#$%^&$*&&(*) GAMESTOP.
so to try and un-combo breaker, I'll definitely go to the crew battle - I need your address David. Plus, I think we should have the crew battle be best 2 of 3. **** ya. Maybe I can get a ride at night to gamestop for the midnight tourney to slightly alleviate my brawl-related pain.
Well, see you guys Saturday. ****.
EDIT: this should be my last post as a smash child.