-Looking for friends-
As the title reads, I am looking for friends. One day, like, a few seconds ago I though "hey. I don't have like
any friends. I could use some more. " Well, maybbbbbeeeee not genuine friends that care about you and aren't shallow a-holes or anything.....more like improbably good-looking people to be around on occasion.
But the thing is, I
am kind of picky. I don't care about race, personality, interests or anything but the looks. And boy must you have them.
Here's what you might have to be similar to appearance-wise to be considered.
Christian Brylle. Male model. Long hair is a plus. No doubt.
Robert Pattinson. You know who he is.
Sebastian Bach from Skid Row back in his twenties. He's 6'3" by the way.
Micheal Gandolfi. Male model.
Vilma Putriute. Female model.
Ioana Timoce. Female model.
Now, as you can see, my standards are maybe a teensy bit high. And no, I am not anywhere near the attractiveness of those I would accept. But does that matter? NO. NO WAY. Never. I’ll be the coordinator. The creator of the make-others-squirm-in-feelings- of-inadequacy-compared-to-us-because-of-the-importance-placed-upon-beauty-in-this-world plans.
I just want some beautiful dudes to hang out with. It's alright if you're female. I guess. But you have to have the looks and more.
PM me or something with a photo. Then I'll judge whether or not you're pretty enough to be in the
Beautiful People Club I want to form. If you make it consider yourself honored. Then we (I mean you people, not me of course.) can walk around and point at most people unfortunate enough to not have been born with such nice faces and say “HA! Looks like
YOU didn’t luck out in the gene or money (for plastic surgery) department! Be jealous of us (You guys, not me.), you unlucky poor fool! Ah ha ha ha ha!”
Remember, it's
ALL that matters. Your personality can be a rotten egg and I could care less. The face is everything. Height of course is a component of physical attractiveness, but it's not a huge deal. And physique....well....you've gotta be fit. It's hard to imagine you'd have a smokin' face if you don't have the bod.
Hope to see you soon!
You have to be human. Cats, while very nice-looking, are poor human-language speakers in general. And how are we supposed to mock others because of their unluckiness if the members cannot mock in human-speak?
But note that while you must be of the
human species, race is no issue. Just gotta be human, way too nice looking for your own good, and that's it. Just trying to drive that point home, see. African, white, native american, some kind of asian, the muttiest of mutts, it really DOES. NOT. MATTER. AT. ALL. JUST HUMAN. Got it dudes?
Here is an example of a non-human, just in case you've been pondering that.
The mysterious being NTAfi. Posted by Xan the Man for the likely purpose of sharking me and letting him into the
Beautiful People Club by stealing NTAfi's identity.. Probably resides in Pluto, by the by.