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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2005
heh heh

earthbound and megaman 9? awesomeNess.

if you're serious about staring tournament stuff though you should talk to the owner of wayne's world or whoever. that may be your best chance at this.

and for game selection I suggest all three smashes. 64, melee, and brawl.

64 will could attract many people for it's simple ( at first glance ) gameplay. I think 64 is actually the most liked smash overall. It's just as good a competetive game as melee and brawl and perhaps the most balanced. ( smash really is a VERY unbalanced series. )

quite a few people would show for melee I believe.

And of course there will be a giant horde for brawl.

there you go. I call it a "three-point strategy." you should give it a try.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Anchorage, AK
no melee = bad tournament
unless it's balanced by good people running it
you're running it
your tournament is screwed
ha ha xanskarr
melee is in there, did you not listen?
and i'm not the only one running it
besides, i'm a boy scout, how am i NOT a good person?
xan, sometimes you crack me up


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
For those of you about to say Melee, don't worry, it'll be there too, just not as a tourney.

that is not melee
that is people happening to have melee and have it set up
no tourney = no melee
akgl didnt have melee, it had people who brought melee


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
For those of you about to say Melee, don't worry, it'll be there too, just not as a tourney.

that is not melee
that is people happening to have melee and have it set up
no tourney = no melee
akgl didnt have melee, it had people who brought melee


*desperate downsmash*
Jan 10, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
Well, Job Corps got another smasher named David. First time I played him I played his Mario and so I figure I'd pick Ness and have fun with this one. I found out he frequently throws in Mario's Meteor among alot of other ****. I got 2stocked. Turns out that Mario is his main and that he goes to Smashboards. I don't know how often but he's pretty good.

Last night I got to play him 1v1 and for the most part, I beat him with alot of my seconds like Doc, Peach, Roy, etc. My Falco 3stocked his DK lol and I got to mess around with Falco's pillar and spikes. My CFalcon got 2stocked by his Kirby -_- He mindgames HARD. I fell into his Falcon Punch at least 7 times in that match. His Yoshi almost beat my Peach. My fox did pretty good against him but he didn't allow a single shinespike in on his Mario. He tried to take on my Shiek with Mario but I think I only pulled a 3 stock on that one. He recognized the chaingrab.

Then the main event of the night(no pun intended). It is time for White Marth to face hisAbout 15 seconds into the match, we were both at around 50% and I was off the stage but I made my way back to the stage, kept fighting and I think I ended up with the first kill. Anyways, weird things started happening. I started getting less and less hits. Sure, I was keeping up on stocks and all but I was getting mindgamed left and right. At one point, I didn't even know I was down a stock and when I tied it at 2 stocks, I was like lol wut. I almost gimped him on this stock by using Marth's dtilt edgeguard but after about 3 shanks, the mother****er CAPED THE TIP OF MY SWORD and made it back on the stage. [Note to self: Next time, let the third hit be a fsmash.]

Before I knew it, we were down to our last stocks and both at about 100%. Crunch time. I kept going in with fairs, nair shuffles and occasional dtilts but they kept falling into his shield. He was over by the edge so I went in to grab him, fthrow, fair/fsmash off edge, whatever else comes after that. I go to grab, he sidesteps to a downsmash and I hit pause right as it hits. Ever have that feeling? That feeling when in that moment you feel that you just couldn't possibly get ****ING OWNED any harder?? Yeaaaaaaaah. In that moment, all I could think was...

"****, I just lost the game."

Che_Lab, you think you would maybe possibly be up for smashing this weekend?


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
My CFalcon got 2stocked by his Kirby -_-
i kinda want to smash soon, with real people not just the school people no offense tomo masa ean and chris and banky and etcs


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Anchorage, AK
its all i want to play right now
even if super mario rpg did come out on vc, its all i'm playing

EDIT: fine, i'll put melee in as a tourney
the more the merrier, after all


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
DQP, im gonna go with the Vito Rule. I believe i can 3 stock anyone, until they prove me otherwise, so DQP, im going to 3 stock u with my link


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
do u not read anything i write dude? this time theres no editing afterwords. and i qoute "i can 3 stock anyone, UNTILL YOU PROVE ME OTHERWISE" all 3 of yall have proved me otherwise, lol

anyways, my entire reason of logging on today was to announce that if enough people are interested. im gonna have a smashfest at my house on Sat. i only have melee, so if someone wants to play brawl bring a Wii... also bring ur own controllers... also, i have 2 TVs so we can have 2 games going at once if we have 2 systems... also bring peoples...


*desperate downsmash*
Jan 10, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
I finally found out who this guy is. He's "MA128" of allisbrawl.com and I found out that with Brawl, he poses as much more of a formidable opponent. Almost all of our matches resulted in me getting 3stocked (out of 4stocks). Once again, CFalcon got owned by kirby, White Marth 3stocked his Ike, my Olimar couldn't match up to his Mario and neither could Blue Zelda, BluFox or Peach. Seeing that White Marth is my only shot against this guy, I decided to use him for the rest of out smash session. Once again, it was White Marth against Mario. This time it was different though. I don't know what kind of black magic this guy uses but I got 4stocked in that match. Any match between that and the rematch at the end I cannot recall nor does it matter to me. The second time we had a main faceoff, it was quite a different story. I had revised my gameplan to be a little more on the defensive end instead of stacking all my chips on my offense. He landed less hits and as I kept my cool instead of losing it, I managed to pull a close victory over him.

I look forward to our next match.

EDIT: Lol, Daemon*** is just asking for it...

EDIT2: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this one. When he plays Brawl, he uses the Wii Wheel that's for Mario Kart. o.O


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Honestly, I don't remember playing you, except in teams and the one tourney match where I was ****ing around too much.

Didn't I win the tourney match though?
edit why dont we just go to parachutes on saturday?


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
I'm not saying anything happened or whatever, and I know you played me, I just don't remember any matches except the teams matches and the tourney ones where I was messing around and sandbagging.

Not saying you are cheating or anything.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
Like I said, I don't remember anything that happened, except that we played.
I could have been sandbagging, I could have not been. I can't remember.
Either way, I think I was sandbagging. I remember stuff about many, many taunts and moonwalking for no reason. That, in my eyes, is sandbagging. Who all told you I wasn't sandbagging anyway?
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