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Alaska(friend codes in first post)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
hush fool
everyone who partakes in this thread should be this interested in playing the game


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
have you checked someone like, oh I don't know...


I think the best "smash" player is not the one who is best at melee or brawl, but instead has fun playing both
thank you very much


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
that's probably what I should have said Matt#s
leaving out 64 and + probably wasn't fair

Wavedash Master

Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2008
I'm just letting you guys know I'd be up for a Brawl doubles tournament (I have a friend I could bring as a partner). I imagine the decision on what game will be used for this next tournament will be made later on, I'm just throwing out what I'd like to do.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
just finished with my Education homework
if anyone wants to play, let me know and I'll meet you somewhere


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Rina-chan is part of the Smash-playing crew up in Anchorage? Hell, you guys still *have* a Smash scene... Juneau sucks, I haven't played a game of Smash in months now. Granted, I could probably fix that if I were willing to put up with shoddy online play again. ...if only. :laugh:

Oh, and Orry, it's nice to see you finally met up with the Anch players. I haven't been on XBL much lately, but we should play some SF4/MvC2 sometime for sure.
Let's play Street Fighter! Tag: DizzyChanXX

:lick: <--- Ugh, I just saw that smiley and realized how creepy it is. It eats its own eye. ::shudder::


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
This is Daemonfang. get ur *** over here and smash, we need to teach you how to beat cho and james


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
I woke up today and pondered the many things thats consisted of life. Many of you know that i grew up in a third world country. Life was simple because of it, maybe because i was young too, but im pretty sure it was the 1st reason. There was no Mcdonalds, malls, any type of big industry, barely a real road system, primitive shop lots, primitive water system, wild animals such as cats, dogs, water buffalos, rats, monkeys, chickens, ducks, snakes, bears, and tigers roamed wherever they **** well pleased. There was Monsoon season, dry season, and scorching season. The power and water would randomly go out and not come back for weeks. There were kids being kidnapped everyday, the government was corrupt.

Can anyone honestly say they had the same childhood as me growing up? I cant say that about you guys either, but it wasnt so bad, i lived happily, i knew little tricks here and there, such as getting coconuts from monkeys, how to catch birds, how to get past the snake that lived behind the dumpster, stealing eggs from the chickens. Most importantly did anyone at that age (about 5-9) think about how they were going to be 10 years in the future? I sure did, but i would never have imagined being a gamer, having my own truck, going to college, meeting someone famous, having quirky friends. Coming to america was so new, and it still is in some ways i suppose, going through high school, captain of the riflery team, shooting an average of 298 (thats out of 300), president of the anime club, vice president of the video game club, ROTC and orchestra for 4 years, as well as seminar school for 2.

I guess the point to all of this was that, i was pretty contempt with the path i was taking in life. With recent events thats been happening in my life, its like, why am i here? not here on earth, but here in the community you know? i dont even remember the real reason i got into smash, nor do i know why im still playing, nor do i know the direction im going, in life or video games you know? I said before im quitting, quite honestly im still contemplating it... i just... i just dont know anymore...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
you know the best way to resolve this sort of thing is just to wake up and realize gaming is for fun, not for pursuing a real life skill or something
if you're really not having fun with it anymore, it's probably time to do something else for a while, maybe even permanently.
it's not your job to be a joint figure between everyone that partakes in a community of any sort, especially not when it's just for having fun once in a while.
obviously things that have happened recently have been affecting you in more than one area, and in a negative way.
take some time away from them and assess yourself, see if these are the kind of people you are opt for being around and having to do with.
i certainly hope even if this isn't a path that's good for you to follow, you can take with you the good things you received from it while you were on it.

good song lyrics to study: Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
on a lighter note

who would be interested in a Rurouni Kenshin, Please Teacher, or Slayers marathon?
playing smash isn't everything even to us gamers lol

I think I'll throw together a little Halloween party so people can get to know eachother
who's interested?


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I would go to a social Halloween thing, it could be fun. Also is there going to be a smashfest on Friday, I'm pretty sure I can make it if there is.

Also mike, I was going to say about what Matt S. said, as long as you are still enjoying playing games, then why not? Are you having trouble with college at all because your playing games too much? No, I'm pretty sure you aren't. Really, when it all gets down to it, games are simply to have fun. None of us are going to become true pro's and travel the country, but neither are most people who play other sports competitively. It's all for fun at the end unless you truly want to become professional, and to that I would say, "good luck, we're in Alaska".


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Wasilla, AK
My best advice daemon, is to do what ever makes you happy, but dont worry about it too much. life is too short to worry about what comes next. your life itme will bef ull of changes and you wont even see it coming. good luck.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Wasilla, AK
agreed with mattnumbers, i enjoy goin to smash tourneys for the whole fun of it, seein people who enjoy the same game, and for all to have a good time. unlike some people, ill be there for fun, not to choose the most broken character just for the win =] haha


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
I didnt say i want to become professional, ive never had any desire to be a real professional gamer, if i did id still be playing halo. The deal is i really didnt receive anything regarding experience or lessons from playing this game, maybe Matt S is right, i should quit. When i do things i left a mark in the community that changed things forever, and people would depend on me for certain things to a certain degree, riflery i set a record for the school, halo my screen name was known in ****ing Europe, I started the anime club at school, they would never go to a ROTC drill meet without me on the bus, so on... here... ive been here four years and ive done nothing but sit on my arse, if i left nothing would change, ill probably never see any of you again... then again, prolly be a good thing...

i have school now, ill post more later...


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
ill probably never see any of you again... then again, prolly be a good thing...
Mike =(

If you "quit" smash, you have to server transfer to Tichondrius, I just downed Anubarak with my guild in 10 man last night.. got the 9th best priest belt in the game suckas..
thanks again for that card mattnumbers

So yeah, mattnumbers, mike me and xan, maybe derek/mattsavage all need to play on Tich in the same guild. I help you guys pay for server transfers once I get a job, lol

adrian Blk

Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
anchorage alaska
If mike quits then i quit too

certain people that have joined this community are becoming extremely annoying to be around, and if mike leaves then this means i lose my established brawl/melee doubles partner as well as a dependable ride to EVERYTHING. There wont be anyone my level to play with and ill be stuck playing people who far beyond my level or just beyond scrub level.

once im gone, atleast other people will win brawl for once and kira can have her best peach main in alaska title


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
If mike quits then i quit too

certain people that have joined this community are becoming extremely annoying to be around, and if mike leaves then this means i lose my established brawl/melee doubles partner as well as a dependable ride to EVERYTHING. There wont be anyone my level to play with and ill be stuck playing people who far beyond my level or just beyond scrub level.

once im gone, atleast other people will win brawl for once and kira can have her best peach main in alaska title
adrian you need to get wow..
also, I just got my car so I can start giving rides soon
and ill team with you in brawl and melee, unless i can team with capt. alaska in melee
also i can tell, recently youve gotten extremely better at melee i think if you gave a little effort you could step it up


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Mike =(

If you "quit" smash, you have to server transfer to Tichondrius, I just downed Anubarak with my guild in 10 man last night.. got the 9th best priest belt in the game suckas..
thanks again for that card mattnumbers

So yeah, mattnumbers, mike me and xan, maybe derek/mattsavage all need to play on Tich in the same guild. I help you guys pay for server transfers once I get a job, lol
i guess im down, im currently in the best raiding guild on my server right now. me and matt S can be extremely effective raid leaders, who else can pug naxx25 2 weeks after wrath came out?

If mike quits then i quit too

certain people that have joined this community are becoming extremely annoying to be around, and if mike leaves then this means i lose my established brawl/melee doubles partner as well as a dependable ride to EVERYTHING. There wont be anyone my level to play with and ill be stuck playing people who far beyond my level or just beyond scrub level.

once im gone, atleast other people will win brawl for once and kira can have her best peach main in alaska title
ya, i agree for the most part, adrian your on the verge of leveling up, i can sense it. AS for me, i think its very stupid to be at my level and not know how to Lcancel, knowing to techchase(with Link, wtfidk), wavedash, waveshining, jab resetting, a weird form of pillaring... Right now, i dont know, placing 9th in brawl and 13th in ranbats gave me a slight hope, but im still on the fence.

adrian you need to get wow..
also, I just got my car so I can start giving rides soon
and ill team with you in brawl and melee, unless i can team with capt. alaska in melee
also i can tell, recently youve gotten extremely better at melee i think if you gave a little effort you could step it up
isnt thjere a 6 month grace period where u cant give rides? and we havent smashed in awhile, if i feel better about this whole situation we should do it sometime this week...

anyways, everyones responses have helped me thus far, thanks gais...


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2009
i guess im down, im currently in the best raiding guild on my server right now. me and matt S can be extremely effective raid leaders, who else can pug naxx25 2 weeks after wrath came out?
when the smoke clears isnt the best raiding guild


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
i guess im down, im currently in the best raiding guild on my server right now. me and matt S can be extremely effective raid leaders, who else can pug naxx25 2 weeks after wrath came out?
ive never been in any "best raiding guilds" on any server, but when i made my own guild, it was just for novelty.
and as far as being an effective raid leader, i don't care if I myself am effective or not, because in a 40 man group, it depends on everyone.

im gonna start playing wow again, and when i do, im just gonna pvp; raiding takes way too long -
set up a raid = 1-4 hours
maintain a raid = 1 hour +
see if it can even down a boss = 1-2 hours
wait till the next week = 168 hours
tons of disappointment when ur gear doesnt drop = 168 hours x weeks
tons more disappointment when someone else wins the roll on ur gear = 168 hours x weeks ^ weeks
running heroics like a comatose robot getting gear just to cap ur stats so you can be ACCEPTED to a raid = 24 hours x omfg i quit.

as for smash, SOMEONE tell me they wanna try a legitimate doubles team with my Dedede!


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I'm going to start playing Melee, and possibly vBrawl more, that way I can actually help the community maintain what it already has.

I mean, everything was looking so great for the future of the community right after the tourney, but now everyone says they are quitting.........

And Mike, you are already going to achieve so much, you used to live in rural china and now look at how much great **** you've done, you graduated with a 4.5 and you're becoming a chemical engineer for gods sake.
Achieving great things in your smash community doesn't matter, as long as you have fun playing the game. Trust me, if you managed to do all that stuff in high school think of what you can do after you get your degree.

You're life is the best kind of success story, and it will be whether you do great things for Alaska Smash or not. In my opinion you already HAVE done great things for it just by being a part of it! The thing we need more than anything else in the community is people actually playing the game(s).

Anyways, I just hope this community stays alive, it will be even better once I get a car in Spring; then it will be way easier for me to get to Anchorage.

By the way, you guys are all great, I feel really welcome in the community and stuff, thanks for that.

EDIT: BTW this thread gets so much drama, It's ridiculous (if you haven't noticed I use that word a lot).
Also I don't know if I'm gonna get into WoW again, for one thing I suck at it, and for another the expansion looks ********. I would probably start playing if a bunch of people here started though, but it would mostly just be for talking and stuff, not like Raids (maybe PvP, for the same reasons Matt S. said in his post earlier.)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2008
/target drama
/quit drama

someone come watch anime or play smash with me

P.S. anyone who's up for WoW with me, I play horde on Blackrock server with Tyler and Kirsten, probably unknown to anyone on this thread, but they're awesome. We got a Blood Elf Priest (Tyler), a Tauren Warrior (Kirsten), and an Undead Mage (Me)


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
well, thanks mattnumbers, well, i feel alright enough to hold a smashfest this friday, starting at 4. EVERYONE had better show up, no johns. k?


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Anchorage, Alaska
well i wouldnt want to play with you anyways matt considering as how im a blood elf priest..
i like diversity.. anyways what spec(s) are you guys
im disc/shadow
equally geared, full pve


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I'll be there, but I can't be there at 4 sadly. My mom is an elementary school teacher and my dad is going hunting. I'll do my best to get there ASAP though.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
Anchorage, AK
ya! this is gonna be the best smashfest ever, both matts are coming, hopefully arthur will come, calebs coming, adrians coming, james is coming, i might as well make it a minitournament.
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