so there's this tournament coming up this weekend. It's in Phenix City, AL, near Auburn or Columbus, GA. Starts Sunday at 11 AM or so. It's likely it'll end around 8-10pm Sunday night. thread ->
Also I have learned that there's gonna be a smashfest in Columbus on Saturday. I'd be interested in trying to leave early-ish on Saturday (like in the afternoon) to smash with lots of peoples. thread ->
So far, we have 5 people going: duchock, the1janitor, saintrage, coach, and me. The 5 of us could fit in my car, but if more people want to go, we could take another car (saintrage's car?) Joot, Shannon, Will, Rob, Sensai, etc. etc. whoooo wants to go?
coach and I talked, and it is likely we're gonna get a hotel rather than getting housing with someone. All too often we stay up too late before a tourney and don't get enough sleep and don't play well the next day.

A regular hotel is maybe $65 on average... split 5 ways would be like $13 for each person.
So, what's up?