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Accurate Brawl Tier List

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MT Zehvor

Smash Cadet
May 22, 2011
The House
I say "accurate" not because I have a tier list of characters in game that is correct, implying that the other is not. Obviously, a tier list does not take a character’s background story into consideration. So while a character may be extremely powerful in the canon of the game’s story, they may end up pretty low on a tier list because of their gameplay design.

For example, it's hard to imagine, say, the Ice Climbers being able to defeat Ganondorf judging by their abilities from their video game series, but it happens in SSBB all the time. So here's a list of what would happen if these characters were to fight IRL.

S Rank:

Samus Aran: This was pretty easily. Not only does Samus have a Power Suit which most of the characters would have trouble even scratching, but her plasma beam would most likely incinerate all but a handful of the characters on the list instantaneously. Add in power bombs, morph ball attacks, and missiles, and this really wouldn't be a fair fight to anyone.

A Rank:

Pokemon Trainer: Ok, so the trainer himself wouldn't stand much of a chance, but as long as he sticks Charizard out in front of him, there wouldn't be many who would last very long. Sadly, Squirtle and Ivysaur would be fairly obsolete considering how powerful Charizard is in the Pokemon series.

Pikachu: Considering that half of the SSBB characters wear little to no protective clothing, it's safe to say that one lightning bolt would put them out of commission. That and his annoying "PIIIKKKAAAAA" would annoy anyone else to death.

Basically any Star Fox Character: Laser guns, laser guns...and more laser guns. I think that's about all that would be necessary to take out about half of the cast, given the "no one wears any armor" thing. Obviously they'd be higher too if they had their ships, but that rearranges everything.

B Tier:

Lucario: I can't say I know a ton about Lucario, but the aura doesn't look very promising, especially given the "no one wears any armor" fact again.

Snake: He's got RPGs, he's got grenades, he's got...well...a cardboard box. I think it's fairly safe to say that Snake wouldn't make it past any of the higher up characters and he'd take out any lower characters.

Sonic: For being a hedgehog, he sure knows how to take a beating and keep on coming. He's been burned, hit with some of the biggest maces you've ever seen, and landed on spikes and survived. Though I imagine he'll have to do a bit more than jump on someone's head to win here.

C Tier:

Kirby: Looks decently powerful, especially with his ability to mimic other characters...but then when you consider that his most powerful attack is a wooden hammer...well...there goes any shot of beating an upper tier character.

Donkey Kong: Ok, so he's a monkey. Ok, a giant monkey. Still, he packs a decent punch...as long as no one with a gun gets within twenty feet of him.

Link: Assuming that he doesn't get to inhabit the body of any deities(Majora's Mask) I think it's fairly safe to put Link here. Yeah, he's an excellent swordsman...but as history shows, there's only so far you can go with a sword when others are fighting with guns.

Ganondorf: He's insanely powerful, he has incredibly influence politically, etc. etc. But he always manages to get beaten. Again. And again. And again and again and...you get the picture. You can't really expect to be taken seriously if you lose THAT many times when you were so close to power.

D Tier:

Pit: Managed to defeat Medusa, yes. Stronger than a normal person, yes. Surviving blast from a laser? No.

Meta Knight: Assuming he doesn't have the Halberd with him. He may be the strongest character in game, but he always manages to get beat by Kirby even with his vasty superior technology. If only he actually knew how to use it.

King Dedede: Perhaps he could zerg Waddle Dees infinitely, but...he's kinda a penguin. Penguins aren't the strongest species around. That and the fact that he only has a hammer to attack with...and he's not moving up very far.

Bowser: Does he get insanely huge? Sure. Takes over the universe? Check. Invades a castle and usurps the power? Indeed. Has his very own fleet of airships? You know it. Defeats an Italian plumber to keep his power? .....uh....well....no. You can't expect to get past D Tier if a plumber is a serious dilemma for you.

Captain Falcon: Perhaps this is heresy, but....outside of Falcon Punching people, does he really ever do anything? "Falcon Kick" Ok, yeah, but...I mean...what if they've got armor that, y'know, actually has the ability to stop a punch? He's kinda screwed after that.

E Tier:

Ike: So he's strong. So he's got a sword. He also has no armor. What happens if someone pulls out a gun? Swords don't win against guns.

Marth: See Ike.

Zelda/Sheik: Magic is cool...but she must not be too bright or too strong if she keeps managing to get her kingdom taken over every time.

Diddy Kong: Monkeys are cool and all....but his most powerful attack is a peanut gun. Guns are for bullets and lasers, not peanuts.

ROB: I guess the lasers could do something, assuming the person decides to stand there and let himself get killed.

Ness: He's got some cool abilities, but...the lack of armor again kills. I have trouble seeing him lasting long against any of the futuristic characters.

Lucas: See Ness.

F Tier:

Mario: Assuming he can find a power up, he should have no trouble beating....um....well....uh....hmmm. Perhaps fire balls aren't really so cool anymore. Seriously, I know he's the Nintendo mascot and all, but unless he finds an invincibility star, how is he going to survive anything?

Yoshi: Wouldn't survive any sort of laser blast. Kinda uninformed about him, but you really don't make yourself look like a good fighter if your main method of attack is to grab people with your tongue and...well...egg them.

Wario: I was kinda unaware before now that he even was aware of how to fight. I suppose he could try running someone over with his motorcycle.

Luigi: Never come across as a good fighter. Despite the good showing in Luigi's mansion, he's still got no weaponry that can kill anything besides a Boo.

Ice Climbers: They....they're basically expeditionists. That kinda doesn't cut it in this game.

G Tier:

Peach: Wasn't aware that she knew how to fight before this game, and afterwards, I'm still not aware that she does. Besides, she always manages to get her kingdom taken over every single time, so how tough can she be?


Olimar, Pit and Game and Watch: I confess I haven't played a game with either of them, so I don't know how powerful they are.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2011
a city with ******** weather
Ness/Lucas should be higher partially because I'm an Earthbound fanboy and because they can stop bulletz and stuffz with PSI and in the games they both attacks that can OHKOz all the **** they come across. and before you bring up that future thing...lucas technically lives in the future and he destroys stuff in the future so yeah


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
Ganondorf is invincible to everything that isn't the Master Sword/the Light Arrows/his own attacks, iirc...


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt

Is this similar to what you're making here? Alternatively, you could search up The Deadliest Brawler which was a similar thread to this one that compared all the Smashers to one another in a real life scenario. There was another thread that had all the characters use their canon powers too but I have no idea where it is now.

Also, hey other MT.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
I want to see one of these threads that actually take game mechanics into account one day

It'd be pretty funny, although the sheer amount of variables (especially for characters who feature in a lot of games of different genres) would make it extremely difficult to do


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
there are way too many factors to take into account...

like pokemon are pretty much immortal in battle. They can survive moves like guillotine. so isn't PT the best since he can spam max revives?


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Actually, Pokemon would be low tier in my eyes and anyone else who has to abide by 'Turn-Based' combat, since a character from say a 'Platformer' based combat system would be able to constantly hit them and beat them up since they don't have to abide by a Turn-Based system or access menus and stuff

...rofl :awesome:


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
I don't think they'd have to abide by that lol

besides most platformer characters die from stupid things. like mario if he touches a turtle.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
But if you were making a list of who would win in a fight that included game mechanics in, then surely Pokemon/Fire Emblem/Mother etc. characters would have to abide by Turn Based combat because that's how they operate in their games...

...I think I'll stop there actually and stop derailing this thread since there are far too many variables as already said for a list like that lol

Now that you mention it though, it'd be pretty funny to see Mario get beaten up by Shuckle lol


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
the problem then is what about series that have both turn based and RT?

also, these ideas have been done to death... trust me


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Exactly, like Mario and SMRPG for example - that's partially what I meant by the sheer amount of variables. Ah well

And yea regarding this list - what happened to that really really old one that someone did that was similar to this? Did it just die out or get locked?

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Ganondorf is invincible to everything that isn't the Master Sword/the Light Arrows/his own attacks, iirc...
From what I understand, that vulnerability extends to any light based attacks and thus he can also be considered weak against lasers.

EDIT: and on the other characters:
Samus - Practically insta-lose V Pikachu but otherwise god tier, yes.
Starfox Charas - Deflector Shields probably boost them up to high tier as Starfox Assault proves that they don't just stop lasers but any form of attack, including tanks.
Snake - Has the uncanny ability of becoming completely undetectable when in his box and access to his own combat helpline 24/7. I'm not sure if that helps at all though.
Sonic - Can officially outrun anything. This gives him the edge against anybody who isn't practically invulnerable (Samus and the Starfox Charas) or painful to touch (Pikachu). His "Ancient Light" probably deals with Ganondorf.
Kirby - From what I can tell, his being made of rubber makes him impossible to kill with regular physical attacks (laser, lightning and fire should do the trick) but he's still very easy to down temporarily.
Link - Canonically, the Fierce Deity Mask can only be used in times of great need, pretty much ruling out its use here. He can resurrect with fairies but assuming he has less of those than the opponent has bullets (should be the case with anyone but ROB) then he's still not going to beat anyone with a gun.
Ganondorf - Vulnerability to light is pretty tough on him. He's not going to be winning much.
Pit - Should not be below Ganondorf IMO. He has light arrows and the ability to fly.
Metaknight - Canonically the best swordsman in the galaxy but he does seem to be at a major disadvantage against anyone who doesn't use a sword for some reason.
Dedede - His minions are all he has going for him.
Bowser - Surely he's on par with charizard with all those powers?
ROB - Is battery powered and very slow. Anyone who can dodge his lasers for a bit has a win against him, especially as they drain batteries like nobodies business.
Earthbound Kids - Psychic powers can block a fair few things but they only have limited mental ability so...
Yoshi - Is invincible if he's in a really good mood. Infact, his entire lifeforce appears to be based on how he feels. Attacks only weaken him by worsening his mood. I'm not sure how this affects his placement though. Insta-lose against anyone who tastes bad?
Wario - Officially has super strength. Canonically able to beat up Mario with ease.
Peach - Her umbrella has the power to eat people, so long as she can close it on them. That's not likely to happen though.
Olimar - Cannot do anything for himself and fights by throwing carrot people (actual carrot size too). He can get them to carry useful things but the pikmin don't actually know how to use anything more advanced than exploding meteorites (which kill them too).
Mr.Game&Watch - Is a joke of a character. No prior fighting experience outside of turn based hammering of heads.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Samus - Practically insta-lose V Pikachu but otherwise god tier, yes.
That's why she can take multi-terawatt bursts of high voltage. (2 TW, if we made it the lowest denominator, would be 2,000,000,000,000 W) and still survive. Right. That has another trillion watts more than lightning, which is 1 TW. Not to mention the Chozo god of war attacks with lightning bolts when Samus is without the Power Suit. This may mean that it's a game mechanic, or the energy shields are still active while the powered armor is not. Also, Gamma Metroids also learn the ability to attack with lightning bolts, as noted in the Metroid II: Return of Samus manual, p. 31.

Sucks no one wants to do this. Maybe I'll do something different with my thread.
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