Arbitrary? Well lets compare notes here and you tell me which is arbitrary and which is not.kur, your points are all completely arbitrary. you create your own definition of human life and claim it is sacred no matter what. you don't think of practicality and you don't understand the posts aimed at you. it's more like when you try to pull off some super advanced trick on your opponent, only they don't fall for it because it's actually a horrible trick.
del, those images work because those are sentient beings you see suffering, not a large bundle of cells. and i'm not entirely convinced the images on google are completely real, although it doesn't really matter because i'm sure none of us are supporting abortion a month before the child is due to be born.
Human life begins at..
The moment when genetic material from each parent combines to form a new human.
Maybe at some point when a fetus begins to think or feel, or maybe when it is conscious.. who knows.
Right to live..
Every human has the right to live regardless of the origins of that right. This is why murder is illegal.
Well you can't really say humans have the right to live, no reason, just because. But murder is still bad because it makes people cry.
A 3 day old fetus..
Is genetically a living human being, separate from its mother. It is the first stage of human life. A geneticist could not tell if DNA from this fetus was from a fetus or a 50 year old adult.
It's just a bunch of cells. It will someday become a human if we don't kill it first.
A human is..
A member of the species Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Genetically different from all other species.
You can't define what is human because it really works against my stance on abortion.
A person is..
A living human being.
Some sort of animal that is sentient, or conscious. Though this could be almost anything, it is better for my argument this way.
I've come into this discussion with a completely scientific view point. I've asked questions that nobody here will answer because they know that the answer they have contradicts their views of abortion. And if they lie and say the opposite, it makes them rightfully sound like evil SOBs. I have answered EVERY hypothetical question asked of me and given an explanation for every argument posed against me.
You call my position arbitrary, yet none of you can even decide when 'human life' supposedly starts in your point of view. And those of you that think you know, can't back it up with anything. You might say life starts when brainwaves are active. But why there? Why is your starting point any less arbitrary than mine? At least mine has a point that can be measured, that can be tested through genetics.
And if you can't accept that humans have the right to life, then I don't know what to say. It is simply an intrinsic property of being human. You may as well deny that humans are mammals, or primates, or intelligent.
As I said, this whole debate is BS.