Smash Ace
Because a X12 Toy for Burnout would never exist, this is merely a dream.
Previous Work (in Reverse Chronological Order) - Click for Full Size
SFIV Pivot Animation - Ken's Ultra I
click on it it's animated!
I was looking through the 100s of images I uploaded on imageshack and I came across my old pivot animations I used to do for ****s and giggles whenever I came up with something. I stopped because I ran out of ideas as to do what. I did one of a guy doing a dp and instantly reminded me of this forum. Pivot is a program on PC where you can animate stick figures or any objects that is made. People have made rifles and master chiefs but I like stick figures on its own. Here's some of my old stuff. I might try doing this stuff again when I have some free time in the near future.
For those interested in, Click Here
Watch the progress.
Speed Sketching Session 21:54 mins - YOUTUBE CLICK HERE
I had done another one which i like more, but the recording process was a fail.
I wondered why for a while but a situation that happened last night made me think about it some more. Since it would sound pretty boring for me to just start a new topic that won't fit anywhere in this forum i decided to make an illustration featuring two dummies re-enacting the scene last night.
I haven't made a wallpaper in a while...
I fell in love with the Yellow/ Black Colour scheme about a week ago, i even walked by a pair of yellow/ black adidas shoes one day and instantly reminded me of the legend. I had made a wallpaper about a year back in this same idea, with positive and negative space with downloaded PS brushes of ink splatter and brush strokes surrounding creating the positive space. Should be studying for an exam...[/SIZE]
Was doodling during my lecture. Becoming more interested in the human figure and fan art, i attempted to depict a full figure, but leaving exaggerated proportions. SO... this meant I was drawing this guy from my memory, didn't finish it, looked at it on the train ride home, saw many proportional mistakes. So there are still a good amount of perspective mistakes i'm having trouble grasping.
Mechanical Pencil BiC 0.7mm
I know the glowing fist is the fist being put forward, but to me the punching fist should be the one that is wound up because this allows the connecting punch to have time to accelerate towards the target blah-blah-blah-SHORYUKEN.