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A thread that doesnt exist anymore cuz someone ruined it!

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Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2007
Well for all those military people thats looking for a place to beat the controller in melee well heres your chance just write and ask question so we can meet


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
the navy's the one with the gay people, right?

cause that post sounded really homo
Very smooth P talk about the people who spend day to day protecting you.
I'm pretty sure you're small, insignificant and get beat in smash more than a lvl 1 cpu.
Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub.


P.S. I'm in the Air Force Vitin


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2006
San pablo
Oh yes, please don't insult them by calling them gay....that post was probably more insulting to gay people than P's joke post.

Edit: let's not hijack the thread with a horrible discussion.

Let the thread get back to it's main point.


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Very smooth P talk about the people who spend day to day protecting you.
I'm pretty sure you're small, insignificant and get beat in smash more than a lvl 1 cpu.
Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub.


P.S. I'm in the Air Force Vitin
****ing fail at trolling more.

You're just another ignorant scrub that thinks he's hot ****.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2007
Oh yes, please don't insult them by calling them gay....that post was probably more insulting to gay people than P's joke post.

Edit: let's not hijack the thread with a horrible discussion.

Let the thread get back to it's main point.
Yes he is right i made this thread for people in san diego naval base so we can meet up and play melee


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2007
Spokane, WA
Very smooth P talk about the people who spend day to day protecting you.
I'm pretty sure you're small, insignificant and get beat in smash more than a lvl 1 cpu.
Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub.


P.S. I'm in the Air Force Vitin
more cali vs idaho talk ... ftw? ..wait... nope... ftL. idaho sucks, cali wins. the end.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
****ing fail at trolling more.

You're just another ignorant scrub that thinks he's hot ****.
Wtf is trolling?
After further review of your profile it comes to my attention that you're either one of 2 things.
A girl or a gay.
And in my book they're one in the same level for how much I care about what they have to say.
Fail at significance once again please.



Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2007
come on man LOL stop with the insults lol its suposed to be just another thread


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Wtf is trolling?
After further review of your profile it comes to my attention that you're either one of 2 things.
A girl or a gay.
And in my book they're one in the same level for how much I care about what they have to say.
Fail at significance once again please.

And how would you determine that?

So you're one of the typical bigots that have no respect for women or gays? ****, I'm overwhelmed by your infallible logic. It's alright if you have no self-esteem and feel the need to make blanket statements which insinuate your obvious dislike for females and homosexuals. Your frustration is quite understandable, but don't be a self-hating ***got. It's not going to get you anywhere. If you're unsatisfied with your current sexual orientation, maybe it's time to see a professional about it.

Good luck.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2007
And how would you determine that?

So you're one of the typical bigots that have no respect for women or gays? ****, I'm overwhelmed by your infallible logic. It's alright if you have no self-esteem and feel the need to make blanket statements which insinuate your obvious dislike for females and homosexuals. Your frustration is quite understandable, but don't be a self-hating ***got. It's not going to get you anywhere. If you're unsatisfied with your current sexual orientation, maybe it's time to see a professional about it.

Good luck.
come on guys:laugh:


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
And how would you determine that?

So you're one of the typical bigots that have no respect for women or gays? ****, I'm overwhelmed by your infallible logic. It's alright if you have no self-esteem and feel the need to make blanket statements which insinuate your obvious dislike for females and homosexuals. Your frustration is quite understandable, but don't be a self-hating ***got. It's not going to get you anywhere. If you're unsatisfied with your current sexual orientation, maybe it's time to see a professional about it.

Good luck.
I hope you're trying to be serious with this cause it makes it all the funnier.
You try to take a higher road and "attempt" to use big words to throw me into a trance of idiocy.
You want to speak of respect when you simply go into multiple threads and just bash random people you don't even know and their lifestyles (i.e. military).
And you want to speak of logic when your logic is that this statement:
"the navy's the one with the gay people, right?

cause that post sounded really homo"
That you pretty much support by bashing me for getting on NeighborhoodP for being an idiot.
And please who doesn't use the same old obvious line of "you're trying to compensate for your crappy life by talking about people online" when I can pretty much check your subscribe log and go to many threads where you're pretty much being a hypocrit to your own statement.
Just another scrub from CA who thinks hes the **** so he wants to prove it by talking ****.


P.S. Frustration works both way eh?


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
I hope you're trying to be serious with this cause it makes it all the funnier.
You try to take a higher road and "attempt" to use big words to throw me into a trance of idiocy.
You want to speak of respect when you simply go into multiple threads and just bash random people you don't even know and their lifestyles (i.e. military).
And you want to speak of logic when your logic is that this statement:
"the navy's the one with the gay people, right?

cause that post sounded really homo"
That you pretty much support by bashing me for getting on NeighborhoodP for being an idiot.
And please who doesn't use the same old obvious line of "you're trying to compensate for your crappy life by talking about people online" when I can pretty much check your subscribe log and go to many threads where you're pretty much being a hypocrit to your own statement.
Just another scrub from CA who thinks hes the **** so he wants to prove it by talking ****.


P.S. Frustration works both way eh?
Um? I was bashing you and your idiocy. I don't see where you're getting "the navy's the one with the gay people." If you'd take notice on my bashing, it's reserved for those who are ignorant. I don't flame based on elements or circumstances that people have little control over, nor do I flame based on lifestyles, etc. I use "gay/***got/etc." as a derogatory term, ironically, but never towards those who actually are homosexual. Hypocritical, I know.

There again, making assumptions. I bash people out of my own free will, not due to some subconscious effort to right some wrong in my life. Your ignorance is amazing, to the point where you assume that I'm in the same situation that you are. It's funny how your only response to anyone from Cali is "onoz they're scrubs and can only talk **** lolololol." That gets pretty old pretty fast. That, and you enjoy misinterpreting sentences like no other.

And I'm not going to dumb down my word usage just because your reading comprehension skills are subpar.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2006
San jose
wow there are smashers in Camp Pindleton?!
I was just there grrrrrr i didnt think they had smashers...


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Very smooth P talk about the people who spend day to day protecting you.
I'm pretty sure you're small, insignificant and get beat in smash more than a lvl 1 cpu.
Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub.


P.S. I'm in the Air Force Vitin
****ing fail at trolling more.

You're just another ignorant scrub that thinks he's hot ****.
Wtf is trolling?
After further review of your profile it comes to my attention that you're either one of 2 things.
A girl or a gay.
And in my book they're one in the same level for how much I care about what they have to say.
Fail at significance once again please.


I thought we established that Idaho is a joke and no longer has the right to post :(


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
I thought we established that Idaho is a joke and no longer has the right to post :(
Didn't Nealdt pretty much take away your right to post when he edited one of your messages to this
11th post

Um? I was bashing you and your idiocy. I don't see where you're getting "the navy's the one with the gay people." If you'd take notice on my bashing, it's reserved for those who are ignorant. I don't flame based on elements or circumstances that people have little control over, nor do I flame based on lifestyles, etc. I use "gay/***got/etc." as a derogatory term, ironically, but never towards those who actually are homosexual. Hypocritical, I know.

There again, making assumptions. I bash people out of my own free will, not due to some subconscious effort to right some wrong in my life. Your ignorance is amazing, to the point where you assume that I'm in the same situation that you are. It's funny how your only response to anyone from Cali is "onoz they're scrubs and can only talk **** lolololol." That gets pretty old pretty fast. That, and you enjoy misinterpreting sentences like no other.

And I'm not going to dumb down my word usage just because your reading comprehension skills are subpar.

Seriously are you pretty much this stupid?
I go to threads if I see they have anything in common with me.
I'm in the Air Force so I came to this thread and see one of the many people whop randomly talk **** from Cali saying another dumb thing.
And I have no idea why if you supposively do this "bashing" for a reason that you would defend him.
I've read many of your posts and no matter how much you "attempt" to use big words to make yourself sound the least bit logical or like you know what you're talking about, you still act immature and irrational toward alot of people and I'm wondering why now I even stooped to your level with some of my posts.
Sorry Vitin for doing the very thing I didn't want Cali to do to this thread and spam.

Im done with you Hydro.



Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
Which he does for every post when i post a certain thing, which you would know if you did a bit of research.

and lol@you saying you're not done with hydro, $10 says you'll post again in fear of making yourself and your state look stupider than you already are.

You understand the reason we **** talk you guys so much is because it's really entertaining to see your ridiculous arguments that contract yourself over and over again, right? It's always fun too see people like yourself attempt to redeem themselves when in reality you're just another ignorant person in this world.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
Which he does for every post when i post a certain thing, which you would know if you did a bit of research.

and lol@you saying you're not done with hydro, $10 says you'll post again in fear of making yourself and your state look stupider than you already are.

You understand the reason we **** talk you guys so much is because it's really entertaining to see your ridiculous arguments that contract yourself over and over again, right? It's always fun too see people like yourself attempt to redeem themselves when in reality you're just another ignorant person in this world.
Ignorance hmmm...
The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed
I'm pretty sure you all started the **** talking because you were uneducated, unaware, and uninformed of what skill Idaho actually has.
"Pot calling the kettle black" is a fitting analogy here.
You call us ignorant when you bash us in our own threads.
Post what you like I just thought you should know what ignorance really is.
I'm done with you now too.


6th Sense

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
A place called Cucamonga or something..
Very smooth P talk about the people who spend day to day protecting you.
I'm pretty sure you're small, insignificant and get beat in smash more than a lvl 1 cpu.
Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub.


P.S. I'm in the Air Force Vitin
I didn't get the "wannabe" part or "Cali Scrub" part:ohwell:

Haze that was wrong, but I still laughed and felt bad while doing it lol

oh and honestly....Idaho sucks compared to Cali. Everyone knows this...


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Seriously are you pretty much this stupid?
I go to threads if I see they have anything in common with me.
I'm in the Air Force so I came to this thread and see one of the many people whop randomly talk **** from Cali saying another dumb thing.
And I have no idea why if you supposively do this "bashing" for a reason that you would defend him.
I've read many of your posts and no matter how much you "attempt" to use big words to make yourself sound the least bit logical or like you know what you're talking about, you still act immature and irrational toward alot of people and I'm wondering why now I even stooped to your level with some of my posts.
Sorry Vitin for doing the very thing I didn't want Cali to do to this thread and spam.

Im done with you Hydro.

Ah, the elitist method of saying "I'm done with you" and acting as if the argument is won by you. Classic. It's interesting how the only thing you really focus on is how I use big words and supposedly make myself look like a moron. Ironically, you can't even formulate the most basic of sentences, nor can you spell the simplest of words.

Somehow, you also fail to read and comprehend basic sentences. Wherein this thread do I bash on the military and the choices that military personnel make? Good job with the blanket statements and generalizations as well. You act as if the fact that you're in the Air Force allows you to make up whatever bull**** you please, and let that stand as the truth. It just goes to show how too many Americans these days are far more ignorant than what our general lifestyles as a whole would suggest.

All I have to say is, ****, you take this stuff pretty **** seriously, but you can't defend your opinions for ****.


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
Pothole, Idaho
I didn't get the "wannabe" part or "Cali Scrub" part:ohwell:

Haze that was wrong, but I still laughed and felt bad while doing it lol

oh and honestly....Idaho sucks compared to Cali. Everyone knows this...
I just dont see why you have to make the obvious apparent?


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
Pothole, Idaho
Ah, the elitist method of saying "I'm done with you" and acting as if the argument is won by you. Classic. It's interesting how the only thing you really focus on is how I use big words and supposedly make myself look like a moron. Ironically, you can't even formulate the most basic of sentences, nor can you spell the simplest of words.

Somehow, you also fail to read and comprehend basic sentences. Wherein this thread do I bash on the military and the choices that military personnel make? Good job with the blanket statements and generalizations as well. You act as if the fact that you're in the Air Force allows you to make up whatever bull**** you please, and let that stand as the truth. It just goes to show how too many Americans these days are far more ignorant than what our general lifestyles as a whole would suggest.

All I have to say is, ****, you take this stuff pretty **** seriously, but you can't defend your opinions for ****.
You ever tried not over analyzing the situation and just thinking he was trying to take the high road and be done with all of it. It's not about winning or losing to adults I'm pretty sure. You should probably act like you at least have some tact and let it be done with.


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
I meant that towards the guys who talk trash for Cali.
I just moved to Idaho from Houston and didn't even realize it was this bad as far as negativity.
I never encountered anything like what I've witnessed since I've been here, in the southwest forums.

6th Sense

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
A place called Cucamonga or something..
nice long elaborate unnecessary post.

"Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub." -QraQ

"Why do you even feel as if those kinds of comments are worth saying? I really thought smash was supposed to be something friendly you know what I mean?"

make up your mind...


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2007
Boise, ID
nice long elaborate unnecessary post.

"Come to Idaho and get destroyed plz.
You're just another wannabe Cali scrub." -QraQ

"Why do you even feel as if those kinds of comments are worth saying? I really thought smash was supposed to be something friendly you know what I mean?"

make up your mind...
Ya I signed on and HBIC thought she was still on her account.
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