I played Melee after Brawl.
I didn't really have anyone to play with, so the VS matches thing wasn't going to happen naturally.
To me, Mewtwo's unlock requirements were "waste electricity for a few hours".
It was not satisfying since I hardly use him anyway, and it wasn't a challenge. I did something else in the meantime.
Your sex analogy doesn't work.
And quite frankly, you're quite the whipped guy if you think getting in someone's bed, or love in general, means you should just be their *****, no questions asked. :V
Just because you thought of unlocking Mewtwo that way doesn't mean everyone else did.
Others had people to play with, and they were having a normal Smash Bros Melee day until they finished one match and this ********** shows up. That's hype. Just because you didn't have that experience, doesn't mean people shouldn't have it for Smash 4.
And my analogy simple means nobody wants stuff handed to them. I'm not saying be a doormat to them, I'm saying take them to dinner first before you expect them to date you. People want to work hard for their accomplishments themselves. You can even forget the whole analogy and just focus on what I just said here.
I don't even know why this has to be an argument.
Smash 4 needs unlockables, in both versions of the game.
There needs to be a sense of satisfaction in unlocking a new character, like there always has been.
And if you've already unlocked them in the 3DS, it's not a big deal to do it again for the Wii U.
If you have both versions of the game, you obviously love it. And it's not tedious to play through it a second time on a completely different console.
Some kid in 2 years is going to get a Wii U for Christmas and he's going to get this game. He has no idea what the hell Smash Bros. is. He's never played the series, has no idea what characters are in it.
He just sees the cover with Mario, Link and Pikachu and he's already sold.
He boots up the game for the first time and he is overwhelmed.
Look at all these ****ing characters.
Who the hell are the Ice Climbers? He doesn't even care because there are two of them.
He starts playing.
Loves it.
Invites his friends over.
They love it.
They play it constantly.
Oh **** challenger approaching???
They all gasp.
Then they finally unlock him.
Dude that's a magical experience.
I don't want to take that away from anyone playing this game for the first time.
Just because I already know the roster, and find it tedious to have to unlock characters.
I'm going to unlock them anyways.
What's the difference between playing Pac-Man from the start or waiting like 2 days for you to unlock him.
Nothing but satisfaction.
Think back to when you first unlocked Ness.
Think of that excitement.
Now think of the excitement you're taking away from some 6 year old who is already overwhelmed enough by the starting roster.
You're a **** if you want to take that away because you want everything at once.