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A Few Last Words...


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Link to original post: [drupal=4703]A Few Last Words...[/drupal]

Ironically, this will probably, as with most things you put time and effort into, turn into a blog post about how i'm torn between life and this game. As my join date says, I came to this site with high hopes in 2008 and soon turned into a regular in every respect. I would frequent my character boards (At the time it was only Samus) and find out any information I had no already absorbed. Simply, I treated Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a crush; My Girlfriend did not enjoy the friendly competition with something more plastic than her. In fact, Brawl could very well be the turning point in which my relationship with sav started the enevitable teeter. Sav and I have been broken up for over a year now(I'm not going to raichu a love story) and she was the love of my life. I do not miss her her, but this game draws me back more than she does. I've often thought about the "why?" and here is a jambled semi composed list of reasons I think this game won.

Hours invested in brawl -my wii got sold along with brawl so I do not have actual numbers- far outnumbered those invested in my ex. By this I mean, hours of my life invested into attaining my potential, getting good enough to call myself good. With my ex it was merely attaining a relationship status and with my silver, talking tongue I managed to do it in under two weeks from the beginning of the chase. Is my inability to let brawl go simply refusal to let go of the time I've put into it? is it something as simple as that? am I really that weak? All of the time I invested into attaining skills, parting from the real world to divulge into a world that someone's imagination helped conjure up, all of it for what? I'm not saying that I regret it, I've lived my life so far and I appreciate where I am now, who knows, maybe smash is something that helped me arrange my life and got my *** in gear. I do not hate you smash, I am but a meager pawn that got dragged into your world and could not pull himself from it, from your community, from your depth. In a way this is an untold apology to the game itself for hosting someone who could only achieve excitement through the day, by thinking thoughts about Brawl. I am sorry that I could not control myself. If I had, we might still be closely intertwined like the vines and my shiny new fence in my backyard, wrestling together beautifully and composed. Could there be something that I've missed though? something more, something that eyed my personality and immediately thought "gotcha!".

I am competitive by nature and in all my glory the only thing I've been successful at was quitting. I always say I've played all the sports in the world, but in order to do that, I had to move from one sport to another; that makes me about as much of an athlete as it makes Oprah is skinny. There's an apology to Oprah coming along too, I respect her as a human and believe that she is doing something decent for this pitiful world we live in, you go girl. Anyways, back to my competitive nature. I think that I played all these sports purely to start beating people at their own games. I found it fun to run in there and learn tricks in half the time it took others to do so. I implemented team work when it would make me look like the real hero, and scored goals that other, by rights, should have scored for me. Brawl could very well fall into the same category as my many sports careers. Another opportunity to spit into the faces of many, while somehow having a large grin on my face. Smash provided a challenge, it's learning curve alone is high and then you add in the character-specific outcomes to every situation just to make things more complex. I never turn down a challenge, and I always put that challenge first and foremost so that I can dedicate as much time to completing and moving on from said challenge.

Adios Brawl, for a third time, we had a good thing going but you got greedy. You wanted me all for yourself, you demanded hours with me that I should not have given you. For some reason or another, Brawl will be with me to the bitter end; I love you Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Once again though, you have seemingly "borrowed" time you should have no business borrowing. On to a bigger and brighter future, one year of post-secondary education at a time.



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
How can you blame Brawl for "Making you want it". I find that sort of as convincing as a rapist saying "Next time, wear sweats instead of the mini skirt". There's an amount of self control you make yourself seem like you lack, and that isn't Brawl's fault. You can't blame Brawl for anything. It doesn't DO anything. It has no thought process and it definitely doesn't try to run your life. You revolved around it, because you wanted to, not because it made you.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
How can you blame Brawl for "Making you want it". I find that sort of as convincing as a rapist saying "Next time, wear sweats instead of the mini skirt". There's an amount of self control you make yourself seem like you lack, and that isn't Brawl's fault. You can't blame Brawl for anything. It doesn't DO anything. It has no thought process and it definitely doesn't try to run your life. You revolved around it, because you wanted to, not because it made you.
I approve.

Saying that brawl made you play it all the time is like saying cars make people drive drunk.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Apparently. Heh, I guess I wrote it wrong, as I'm not a writer I don't care too much. I used personification on Brawl, giving it human characteristics, which should be clear. I doubt i'll miss to much to all, it's just fun to get a blast from the past every now and then. Samus boards are deeeeead.


a little slice of heaven 🍰
May 27, 2009
Switch FC
I find that sort of as convincing as a rapist saying "Next time, wear sweats instead of the mini skirt".
I have been slain. This is exactly what I was thinking.

Anyway, you don't have to necessarily quit if you still like the game, just moderate yourself to what you'd deem appropriate. If you just want to go to the casual "oh, I only play this game at irregular intervals when I feel like it", that's fine to, but it won't help you at all with breaking the habit.

In the end, it's up to you. Do whatever you feel is necessary, but I've known you for a long time, and I don't think you should quit.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
My wii got jacked along with my tv in some **** that went down with moving, which is why I don't play anymore. I played this weekend because I was home for the holidays and my sister owns a wii and brawl. I feel like it's the only thing I've ever been "addicted" too. When people go through rehab for their drug abuse they always blame the drugs and in reality no one knows what that person is going through unless they went through it already. I respect all of your opinions and am glad people read my writing.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
I'd go a step further and say it's larger with 64 players ;).

Especially since you have your controller sitting next to you all the time at the PC, just begging to be picked up and played while you take a break on that essay you were writing >_<
Oct 5, 2008
When you know the fun of Smash is limited to the availability of your friends, you're not as addicted to the game. You can't play until your friends can play too

But that won't stop your addiction to this site


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
How can you blame Brawl for "Making you want it". I find that sort of as convincing as a rapist saying "Next time, wear sweats instead of the mini skirt". There's an amount of self control you make yourself seem like you lack, and that isn't Brawl's fault. You can't blame Brawl for anything. It doesn't DO anything. It has no thought process and it definitely doesn't try to run your life. You revolved around it, because you wanted to, not because it made you.
LOL. This made me fall off my chair Shortie. I almost hurt myself, THANKS!

Also, just don't get addicted to smash. I'm super competitive (not because I like winning, but because I love the spirit of pure fair competition for the love of it), but I keep my crap in check. it's not necessarily easy to do, but just do it baby.

Do it cause it's not what you want for breakfast; it's what you want for life!!!! (lol at my soap opera awful quote reference) :grin: :laugh: :chuckle: :088: :009: :troll:
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