seriously, why are people complaining? what to you expect? i mean, if you were making a game, and you had to make daily updates for 6 months (or whatever), something new every day, do you honestly think its possible to have even a quarter of the things to be super amazing OMFG make everyone amazed updates? think about it, they need to make hundreds of updates. theyre not all going to be new characters or special techniques. theres just not that much content in any single game.
you have to also realize that even though its obvious people were going to find out about everything from e4all, none of it was 'officially' released.
it seems to me like many of you want to know so much about the game that you could say youve played it before youve ever actually done so. whats going to be the point of getting the game if you know everything about it by the time it comes out?