The villains were defeated.
For years, their forces had reigned supreme over the land, enslaving the people, stealing their most vital resources, and ransacking their homes for whatever few precious belongings the people had. Rebellion after rebellion had been quelled, children left orphaned as their fathers died in battle and mothers were dragged away into servitude. All hope seemed lost.
But then a band of heroes from a far off land arrived. Some motivated by greed, others by a unique code of honor that could not bear to see any innocent child suffer, these heroes came together at the most unlikely of times. They battled the unending hordes, climbed the dark tower the villains called home, and finally defeated the villains in glorious battle.
Now, the heroes stand tall over the pleading leader of the villainous horde, ready to deal the final blow. But before any of them can react, one of the villains pulls a mysterious amulet from his cloak, a relic of a forgotten time, which flashes in blinding light, before everything becomes dark.
When the people within the tower awaken, they are greeted by strangers, warriors and wizards, adventurers and mercenaries and soldiers. None can discern for what cause they have to be there, nor can they determine anything about their past lives beyond their own names. The tower is locked tight, and they are alone.
And then the deaths begin, one by one, always in the night.
Realizing that whatever being stole their memories away must still be at work, the trapped denizens of the tower come together to decide who among them must be stopped. They have only their wits and their own natural-born gifts to assist them in this task.
Will the heroes discover the enemy within their midst and regain their lost memories? Or will the villains manipulate the party to their bidding, whittling their numbers down in order to regain their control over the land?
Only you can decide…
[COLLAPSE="General Rules and Information"]
Helpful Links:
Newbie's Guide to Mafia | Basic Rules of Mafia
Fundamental Rules:
- Please enjoy this game and do not act in a manner that would make the game unenjoyable for others. This includes personal attacks.
- The Game Moderator is Xatres and all official information and rulings will come directly from him.
- Editing your posts is not allowed; multi-posting is fine and is encouraged in place of editing.
- Unless your role specifically states otherwise, or you have initiated a mechanic that allows an exception, you may not converse with any other players outside the thread, dead or alive.
- Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Moderator. You may paraphrase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words! Posting your Role PM or any form of mod communication will result in an immediate modkill. If you are concerned about how to adhere to this rule, contact the Game Moderator.
- The use of non-English, invisible, hidden, coded, or otherwise intentionally hidden or indecipherable text is strictly prohibited. (Collapse/spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
- Failure to send in your night action(s) will result in no action(s) being taken.
- You are required to post every 48 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods (to be determined by the Game Moderator) will result in your replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. I will tell you if I am considering replacing/modkilling you for activity reasons.
- If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill.
- In the event that I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the replacement player. If a replacement player cannot be found, I will modkill the slot.
- Day phases will generally last approximately 10 days, unless cut short by a kill.
- Night phases will last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM stating so.
- Night phases will end when either 48 hours have passed, or I have received all applicable night actions, whichever comes first.
- There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase.
- After you have died in the game, you are allowed one final (and short) "Go Town/Scum!" post.
- This is a Closed Set-up for 7 Players with all roles assigned based on each player’s chosen stats.
- This game is a Full Reveal game, meaning that upon death, role/alignment information about the player is revealed.
- I confirm there is a Town faction and at least one Mafia faction in this game.
- I confirm that all information relayed from the Game Moderator in public is strictly accurate.
[COLLAPSE="Game Specific Rules and Information"]
- All roles will be determined based on how each player fills out their individual character stat sheet. These stats will be filled out AFTER alignment has been randomly assigned, but BEFORE players are informed what their alignment is.
- Base characters stats include Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intellect, and Charisma.
- All players start with a bank of 30 stat points, which may be assigned to each of the above categories as they see fit.
- Middling stats will result in weak or vanilla roles, while more varied stats will result in unique power roles and posting restrictions.
- While I will make every attempt to make this a balanced game, the setup is meant to be fun first and balanced second. Feel free to go crazy with the stats.
[COLLAPSE=Sample Role PM]
Sir John Vanillasby
You are Sir John Vanillasby, Generic Party Member.
You chose really boring stats, so you have no special abilities whatsoever. Have fun voting and doing nothing else.
As an exceedingly boring character, you of course use proper spelling and grammar in every post. Each time you make a spelling or grammar mistake in one of your posts, your vote will be locked for 12 hours. You will not be able to change your vote until that period of time has ended. Yes, I’m serious and will be checking every post. Nice job, hero.
Win Conditions
You win when all threats to the party have been eliminated.
[COLLAPSE="The Players"]Living Units:
- JeXs
- #HBC | Bunzy
- Drexel
- Chaco
- FML (Rake/Orbo hydra
- #HBC | Gorf
- NPC (Sir John Vanillasby, Generic Party Member ) killed Night 0
- Replacement 1
- Replacement 2
- YOU?!
Important Posts
This one.
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