I said the last post I made was gonna be my last, but I'm gonna respond to a few things and then close this thread. JV will be making a post to explain the details of what MLG has in store for the Smash community soon and we can all return to the discussion when that thread goes up.
What I said to Fonz at the season opener was more than warranted. A lot of Smash kids were confused at the first event abot the new rules and I had addressed them several times over during the event. I explained them before the tournament began. Then during the teams finals I explained them again to the confused and angry crowd. During the rest of singles I explained the rules several more times to not only the competitors that were actually playing but to the random kids that wanted to argue with me about it all.
Then during the finals this random kid that I didn't know starts yelling at me over the player's shoulders about the rules again. The first thought that went through my head was "who is this kid?" followed closely by the second though "Why is he talking? This has nothing to do with him." So I asked him outloud, "Who are you?" Instead of answering me he tried to argue again and I shut him up by asking again, "Seriously, who are you?" The point was A. I don't know who you are and B. You have no business talking right now. This doesn't concern you.
And guess what? He had no business talking right then. He had no business arguing with me about the rules. He was adding to an already stressful tournament when the players that were already in the match knew EXACTLY what was going on. They didn't need him to clarify anything. The match was ready to go. He was wasting everyone's time and getting on my already short nerves. So no, I will not apologize to him for that. He was being a busy-body and I got him to shut up so we could finish a tournament that was already running late. And in this thread, once again, he had no reason to chime in. He was just being an idiot and I didn't feel like addressing his childish insult. So I reminded him that I don't care what he thinks of me without resulting to calling names back.
I will, however, apologize for being somewhat harsh with people on the forums. I don't need to call people idiots. I honestly don't have a lot of patience for idiocy and people who are clearly ignorant of the situation running their mouths. I hate that ignorant people complain and turn themselves into victims of some great evil before they even know the TRUTH of the situation. I am of the belief that if you don't know, you shouldn't be running your mouth. So I admit that I have a patience issue and I am too harsh at times in response to people. I will attempt to be a kinder, gentler M3D on the forums.
But Chillin, you should know that your response was directly insulting. I'm not "basically a Halo guy now" at all. I'm a 25-year-old married professional who is making his living writing about video games. Halo is the biggest game on the tour so I write more about that than Smash, but I am still involved with Smash on some levels that I can't explain because of my job and contracts that I've signed that say I keep quiet. Just because being an adult and having a wife and a real job keeps me from traveling to grassroots gaming tournaments every weekend doesn't mean I'm not a Smasher anymore. I don't have ANYONE to play with in North Carolina, but I still throw Smash into my cube on a regular basis and play against the computer for fun. At MLG events, after my day of work is over, I don't go find a Halo 1 LAN to participate in. I hook up my gamecube and play Smash with staffers and Smash kids. SSBM is still, bar none, my favorite video game ever and I still play it every chance I get.
And Chillin, Fonz had no good reason to chime in with an insult and you had no reason to pile it on with him. I don't really have a problem with you Chillin but I do have a problem with how you act sometimes. Your loyalty to your friends causes you to sometimes act like an idiot. And you are absolutely right, when someone acts like an idiot they don't really deserve to be treated with respect. It doesn't matter if they are a n00b or a well-respected member of the community. I don't see how my actions have in any way violated that concept.
So yeah. Thanks to Clap and the MLG staff for always being behind smash. Clap said it right. Everyone at MLG loves Smash. In time, you guys will see that MLG still intends to invest in the SSBM community and hopefully continue that support when Brawl launches sometime this year. Until then, please try to act respectfully towards the company that has always treated Smash with respect. Please don't run your mouth about things when you don't know the inner workings of the company or what we have in store for Smash in 07. JV will be posting sometime soon with more details and you will be free to discuss the plans in his thread when the time comes.
Until then, let's ALL try to avoid acting like idiots.