the internet is going to asplode!!!!!
this is probably somewhere else on here already but I am way to lazy to look
the guy that gave this to me is somehow an insider even though he is only 16 years old. He says 70% possibility that this is true "and those are his comments not mine btw
* Players will be able to choose from multiple control options. Main focus is on GC controller, and Nintendo is currently considering redistribution of them. (Good, I can’t find wavebirds anywhere. I hope this means I can just use the remote and nunchuck, he wouldn’t say.)
* No motion-sensitive controls in main game. (Does that mean mini-games etc. will?) <LI class=MsoNormal>Game will feature no more than 50 characters. (Gee, thanks a lot. I didn’t know that already </sarcasm>)
* “Since there’s a huge fan-demand for online play, the game will almost definitely feature it. That’s the plan. We pay a lot more attention to the fans than you would think, and we think it would be pretty dumb to ignore it. What’s funny is if we had never addressed the rumor, people wouldn’t be so expectant of it as they are.” (Thank god, hopefully an end to the “This better be online or I’m not buying it” stuff.)
* They wouldn’t tell me any new specific characters. (Just thought I’d get that in there.)
* “Fans will be extremely pleased with the quality and number of characters we’ve brought around, as we made this very much a fan-desire project. There won’t be anymore ‘clones’ (just thought I should mention, he did the finger quote thing, and I literally lol’d) either.
* There are definitely characters that will be huge surprises too, one of which happens to be my absolute favorite.” (Thanks for the cliffhanger. Wait…so no more clones? What about…)
* Not all characters will return. The original smash bros. will. (Oh…bye Roy (one of my mains.))
* Alternate Costumes/Color Schemes will be included. (Hot sauce. I’ll take white Zora Link please.)
* No comment on third parties. (**** you.) <LI class=MsoNormal>The game has been made “more balanced”. (Cool. No more tiers? Ummm…idk if I like this yet.)
* No comment on N64 like intros. (lol)
* No comment on “advanced techniques”. (I’m mediocre at that stuff anyway, so, I’m neutral on this.)
* There will be new items, and some have been taken out. (Bob-ombs confirmed, don’t worry.)
* Super Smash Attacks are not immediately activated, can be reserved. (Well, now that I think about it…duh.)
* Adventure mode will be much larger, classic mode will be featured. (No word on if chars. Would have individual stories)
* Will include more game modes, some from N64 will return. (Due to popular demand, apparently.)
* Events will be included. (I love those things, so to me it’s awesome.)
* This game is scheduled to release this year. (My guess is Fall.)
* No comment on shoot the credits.