Oh look it's Wolfie, long time no see!

Create a Skype Chat for Cloud in general and one for his Meta-Development post release. The Meta-Development one should be taken seriously and lack ridiculous social discussions, and not have an absurd amount of people in it. I say this having experience in the Lucas Skype group and the Zelda Meta Discussion Skype group. The Lucas Skype group basically replaced the social discussion thread, and got nothing accomplished and was too hard to keep track of due to literally anyone and everyone being in it and posting random things. Having around 200 members gets insane, does it not? On the other hand, the Zelda Meta Discussion Skype group has 18 people in it, and talk is always about Zelda and techs, matchups, etc (with a little fun here and there). Our social discussions remain in our
infamous social thread, which is still very lively to this day. We're like a big dysfunctional family anyways, so it works out.
Just my two cents, because I'm looking forward to finally having another main that's not Zelda, and I'd like to not be disappointed in the Cloud community like I was with the Lucas one.