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  • I got a 62.

    On a test-grade project.

    And I'm still trying to convince my mom to let me do academic English next year >_>.
    Lol...first you gotta get your license...

    You know how I told you I was disappointed in my writing on that English project?
    Yeah...that doesn't sound the best. But atleast you're gonna make some kind of money!
    I hate it when swf doesn't say you posted on my wall :(

    Ah ok. Well I'm not offended, just curious haha.
    No...you weren't even talking to me and then a IM comes up and you say 'gtg' then you log off lol.
    Illmatic (illmatiiiccc) is available 9:53 pm
    Online: 1m

    Illmatic 9:53 pm

    Illmatic (illmatiiiccc) is offline 9:53 pm
    IMs are delivered when the buddy signs in. Send Illmatic (illmatiiiccc) a text message
    Smoomy Smoom 9:53 pm
    Ok good news. We can pick you up on the way to the airport, and the airport is semi-close to Monster's.

    We'll pick you up at 12, k?

    And my mom told the possibility that they could pick us up cause they might want to do something out by Monsters. But she just mentioned it, she doesn't know if they'll do it.
    I remember her flight left like sometime in the 1-2pm range, so we'll have to be there about an hour early and it takes like an hour to drive there...so I'm guessing 11? I really don't know though. I'll tell you when I get home lolz
    Awesome! I will ask my mom when I get home.

    You do know that we'll have to leave pretty early since we're driving my sister to da airport?
    yeah so sunday is the day to do stuff. Or let me come over on random monday or tuesday. We should have two more big weekends before world hobo and i will skip those. If i still have my job ill put in the two weeks notice after that weekend.
    I can't do that again, I've done it twice. And the second time was the DAY after I got promoted(they were salty). I need the job to at least pay back the old school bill that I have and to keep family off my ***.
    Nah. If they don't let me change my schedule I'll probably quit after WHOBO (after because my time off request was actually approved and I don't want to have to go through that again).

    Kill me, Illmatic.
    Yes, I'm working Saturday.
    **** Walmart.

    I have good johns to get off now though. No more saturdays.

    And I have no idea where that thread would be, but I have the files on my computer. When I see you I can give them to you.
    Hmm did that game prompt you to update your Wii in any way?

    And yeah I'll grab you Affinity's starter pack in a sec.
    Yeah, the menu at the bottom where you go to look at what's in the SD card have Move and Copy commands next to it.
    Pssh. There are easier ways than doing that.

    If you have an SD card, anyways.
    Nah, I want this to be as hidden as possible until it's finished.

    I'd definitely like to make it. I just need material.
    We need to show the world that Texas isn't just Gnes and Razer.
    didnt go cuz my boy Ice wasn't going & it was too small, i'll be at Phase X & WHOBO for sure
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