Heh. It's funny how you own my main, and then my secondaries own you O_O. Your Samus is a beastly long-range nightmare, btw. It's hell-on-wheels. Especially on FD. I'd better start CPing Pokemon Stadium or something. I'm trying to pick up Samus, Marth, and Lucas. Right now I've nearly "mastered" Lucario, Shiek, and Fox. I think being fully proficient with 6 different characters with widely varying matchups should prepare me for anything (expect maybe MKs? O_O)
GG's though. You're so dumb. When I'm crouching over and over again and not attacking you, it means "stop I need to carry in groceries", not "Thank you ma'am may I have another?" DUH! XD
I better work on Zelda... hmmm.