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  • lol GGs, my controller like died, on that first stock SD on our last match, I hit UpB like five times and nothing happened xD
    (Which is why I hate using CC xD) I'll go report our matches
    Say Zen, can you give me a few minutes, I'm in another tourney at AiB and I gotta do my match soon or get DQ'd =/
    All right cool, I'm not sure whether I have tag space left, (too many emoticon tags >__>) so I'll say my CP is halberd k?
    I'll meet ya online, *is hosting*
    me and zens team have had an alliance since day one. We dont't attack each other. And if i did face KW it'd be oli dittos. UGGGHHHHHH!

    Lol. I know. They have to be more quite about these things, but they aren't that good at it are they?
    Yeah I just sent him a VM. >__>

    Um...bad. Dx
    But it was a crew style match thing with three chars each and stuff like that. I lost by two stocks. o.o
    I actually never contacted him yet, busy with school and all, but I'll contact him later today. >.>

    And yes, I have, in DTP's Gym Tourney thing. o.o
    nah , ive turned it off and on too many times today ....

    if your playing in shadows regulars , we can do it then
    so you wanna challenge me anyway ... sigh too bad i cant win your kingdom from you anymore
    Destroy him? He's better than me. More or less my equal.
    Blankvi gots this.
    Weegee. <3

    Take a look at the tourney title suggestions I made on Gordo's wall. Lol.
    I don't like getting gimped though 8D

    I don't like Kirby's F-smash. I hate it more when Japes side blastlines are so small. D:
    Well, I felt I wasn't going to get anywhere if you went Kirby again on Pictochat, so I opted for range instead, lol. Ike used to be a character I just used for fun, but seeing how I was doing with him, I made him my secondary, lol.

    Kirby does exceptionally well on Japes, doesn't he? I know many Kirby's take MK's to Japes...
    GGs. I dare not try my Sonic against your Kirby again.

    I had CPed Knubs's Snake in Rawnie's 24 hour tournament, because some Sonic users were saying that Japes is a good CP on a lot of characters for Sonic.

    Knubs two-stocked me with 20-something percent left.

    Japes is nothing but painful memories because of that lol.
    Sorry, Japes just reminded me of the hilarious match I had with Knubs. D:

    K, I will. Good luck to you.
    Strike what? And Cping Japes can't be a coincidence, lol. I CP Pictochat.

    Strike PS1

    EDIT: OK, you edited in BF. So Smashville's left. Who's hosting?
    There's not really a stage I don't like on the list. I guess the closest in Distant Planet, so I ban that.

    I strike Lylat.
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    ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん ぜん
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