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  • Get the **** out.

    You get the **** out now!

    (chalks indiana up a few ticks on the tier list of awesomeness)

    I don't even know if it should be obvious or not but do you attend anything for either game?
    Out of all the tournaments...

    All the events..

    And all we've been through in this state, brawl or melee...

    Any particular reason we haven't met yet?

    How da "H" does someone like you end up with no friends?

    The logic doesn't add up...
    It's decided:

    Either you're secretly a criminal mastermind
    Or you're a wizard! :<
    Wattup Xiivi!
    Mr. No friends n stuff~

    So like, cute avatar pic.
    The head's a racoon. That makes it bomb <3
    I've been thinking about what you said earlier, we should definitely talk tomorrow.
    And I love you too, goodnight Amir. :)
    But I am no stalker, Xiivi-san.

    I am in no mood to go surfing through your history to see where you may have admitted the locations of your highly sought after sources that house said stock photos.

    I need some guidance. You are an administrator. Administrate said guidance before my status goes from :mad: to
    Its very weird pliskin his last login said 11-10-11

    And he posted in the arf thread today at 11:38
    So are you going to reveal your secret location of the stock photo?

    As I would have liked to make that image into something of a reaction image. But I don't accept small images when a larger version is likely available.

    Yes, I make reaction images from time to time, I will admit. Some of which found a home on 4Chan and made their way onto these boards without me to carry them here.
    I am always secretly :mad:

    But when I say borderline :mad:, I mean to say jarringly rage filled chaos fueled :mad:

    Which is different from your average :mad:
    Well of course I don't know, which is why I used Google reverse image search.

    But apparently, Google doesn't know the source of the original image either. Does it gave me nothing.

    I was almost borderline :mad:
    I reversed image searched your user profile pic and, like, all that I got for results was your user profile pic. Or rather, the largest version I could find was yours.

    Which is odd. Says to me you purchased this pic. PURCHASED. Because the only ones available without the text are ridiculously small.
    Things have been okay :)
    I was pretty down a bit earlier but I've gotten over some of the things. Just mostly been having to rely on energy drinks for the past few days lol. Will finally be able to sleep again after tomorrow.
    I'll also be able to talk again on aim tomorrow finally! :p
    It makes ya look rugged and manly Xiro!

    ..Or in my case like a hippy who can't afford shaver, but same dif.
    If you post your pic i'll post mine. <3

    Oh. n like. Hi Xiivi. :3 Your cute n stuff.
    Lol, you have a point.

    I wouldn't call the dude lame, but seriosly... His hair is everywhere.

    EVERYWHERE m(_ _)m

    I prob won't post one for a while though. Keep messing up on my shave, and the whole "facial hairless" look is just too wierd :c
    Because I can't get over the whole SWF suddenly feeling like Facebook thing.

    And also because my roommate refuses to clean his mess in the bathroom :mad:
    Hey Dude

    In all honesty, I can't tell if you guys are joking or serious.
    About composer that is.

    I'm not sure how to respond to any of it, because I'll prob end up looking like an idiot :L
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