Which arguments are these? I have not seen Adum say a single thing for the past 2-3 pages, and right now I don't feel like arguing about anything short of Which Pokemon X is a good idea against Pokemon Y right now. I am tired of the MU, and I am sick of REL's bull****, and she'll keep bull****ing until she either wins and we give up, or she gives up herself.
I know about tone versus bulk, tone is what really matters, bulk is anesthetic and mainly arbitrary to one's strength, tone is the main thing that makes humans able to be physically strong as opposed to bulk, which contributes comparatively little. I was using Sumo Wrestlers as an example against the fact she said that the rounded out faces support the idea they are obese, they look obese, yet are very physically strong, a trait that does not come form their weight alone.
I realized this a long time ago, why else have I been arguing so hard against REL against the idea that the ICs are muscular degenerates?!
My patience for the MU is lost, and without that, I am just a ticking time bomb ready to go off and blast the hell out of REL with curse words and logic intertwined into a big huge cluster****.
Sorry, but I am done for the night.