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  • upthrow to Uair is a true combo at a certain %
    haven't checked the marth boards in forever so I can't remember if it was 0 or not
    Fthrow to tipper Fsmash is pimp
    also here's something to munch on, SH> DB1> Uair> Usmash
    the upsmash doesn't always hit but I have tippered it
    DB1 just means 1 dancing blade hit
    try it out it's cool
    and istudying in europe...we're taking over the world son....
    Yah...they're all really good! :D

    I remember I.E. came to me asking how hard the IC learning curve was....
    he quit the next night...<.< The amount of IC players are VERY few...

    Hmmm should we take this to the xat? Imah ask Uncle Sam...
    <3 marth's throws so many true combos out of them
    Fthorw CG actually works on some chars.
    and Dthrow pseudo CG, I saw some guy from japan do it, it looked cool
    Maybe...depends on how our new desync works out at the higher level of play..

    The new breversal desync is good for a lot of situations and you're in your opponents face pretty fast...

    it's our first REAL grab setup
    opens up a slightly better approach option
    gets in your opponent's face...
    and has potential for edgeguarding..
    plus we think it's faster than the pivot desync...

    the only hinderance is that it tough to pull off....very strict timing...

    I think we might stop at A tier though....fsmash and bair kill well...but bair's range is subpar compared to other characters...and for right now...I think we stale fsmash to fast...

    Oh yeah I was watching US and HOLO play yesterday, HOLO was getting into it...then I jumped in...got KOed...HOLO mains Lucario

    and then there was steak...BBQ
    if your opponent has crappy DI of course it works
    where have you been?
    read your opponents punish airdodges and go for the kill
    *points to uncle sam's post*

    but HOLOpaW takes it tooo seriously lolololololololol he was out to kill...

    and got BBQ'd
    who said our kills are limited to fsmash? O.0

    untruefax son...nanagames...
    that and bairs,
    and the occasional belay
    It's all back and forth, one day he wins a bunch, one day I win a bunch, but we srsly just play for lulz
    I would have said wario go lower because I'm biased like that
    but no I understand wario's awesomeness sort of
    Diddy Kong has banana locks why he's so high >.>
    ZSS has potential, but remember the armor pieces are a pro and a con since they can be used against her, other than that all she has are aerials, her ground attacks are pretty telegraphed
    IC's are eventually going to stop, I mean their kills are limited to Fsmash and grabs,
    Fsmash is avoidable and IC's have poor grab range and take forever to truly master their CG's
    that's why I siad they should be a little lower
    ROB has t3h laser, a reflector, and a gyro, the longest glide toss in brawl, the best camper in brawl, has ridiculous smashes, he's just slow and the majority of the cast has infinities on him XD
    ha, you have school.
    pshh multiple things wrong with your tier list
    IC's should be lower and GnW and Olimar should be a bit higher
    (don't get me wrong IC's are good but they can't do some good things unless they land a grab)
    ROB and TL should be above Kirby and Lucario... matchup-wise
    and Pit should be above DK
    Luigi, Zelda, Sonic and Yoshi should be top of C
    Wolf, and Fox should be lower
    and Samus goes above jiggs
    my 2 cents
    Ah, okay. :\
    Oh well. WiFi isn't all it's cracked up to be, anyways (and it's VERY cracked up).
    S Tier

    Meta Knight
    Diddy Kong

    A Tier

    King Dedede

    B Tier

    Toon Link
    Donkey Kong

    C Tier


    D Tier


    E Tier

    C. Falcon

    Mah current Tier List. Still needs work. ^^
    I have realized that, I am leaving for the day though. Last day of summer not going to e wasted on computer, also I realized that it punishes.
    Yeah, I know. You say that alot though. But I do that becuase when facing my little bro, he hates it when I roll so I do it too annoy him. He thinks every thing I do with Zss is cheap, just cuase I destroy him.
    IDK, the thing is, you can't subscribe to social groups so.... they die pretty quickly
    lol somebody opened up a thread about Pi and Sinz posted the funniest vid ever
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