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Thunder Of Zeus

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  • ok. i wouldnt mind you putting up vids of us sometime. i'd just wanna know about it, cus i want it to be when im at my best. i've been tinkering my controls lately and testing out DI stuff, so now aint a good time.

    and no im an only child. i just switch my name and colour when im playing funny. for some reason i might player better with one more than the other sometimes. thats another reason why i wouldnt want you randomly dishing out vids to youtube. cus i want to be using green, cus thats my favourite tunic of links. plus i only use "Kief" with the green tunic.
    im talking about how you need my permission to put matches of us on youtube. i better not see any there cus i may not have been trying. its about 50/50 whether i try on wifail or not. so i'd want to know beforehand if you were recording.

    i dont remember anything specifically about suicides. but i do remember that you dont suicide after i suicide, which irks me so i purposefully suicide the rest of the times.
    "I never said it was MINE he said that, so that's how he interpreted it." my bad i guess i didnt know you were talking about your martha instead of the avatar.
    but you should at least look at the freaking avatar before go off taking credit for it, when my gf deserves it.
    im not deciding what you overlooked, im not believing what you said. i find it hard to believe you would not notice the avatar.

    theres some rule about dissing other members/false information. you took credit for the avatar and you told that guy something like "his link couldnt handle my marth's win". its bad sportsmanship to say something like that. you should always say your opponents are tough even if you dont believe so. which leads to the next thing. this dispute did not emerged because of you saying goodbye. it emerged from you constantly taunting with the see ya message. again, thats bad sportsmanship. im the one who has "good game" as one of my taunts, and i say it whenever i win and get a chance to, no matter how much i may have *****. so you calling me a poor sport is ludacris.

    "Suiciding on your third stock? I showed you what it was like by doing it myself, but it would be worse if that person was trying to record a video eh?"
    i honestly have no idea what you're talking about there. but you better not be recording our matches. you need my permission to do that.

    p.s. you dont have to call me 'KIEF'. i didnt mean for my name to be like that. i wanted it to be 'Kief'.
    "lol. I made KIEF's avatar ^,^
    (i read profile comments too lol)"

    thats your comment on his profile. so it looks like a caught you lying again. and it is offensive to me when you do it repeatedly. you dont decide whos offended by what. going into the similarities of martha and mk is pointless and something i dont feel like doing, since really i dont care what you think about that. if you're too blind to see the obvious then thats not my fault. and saying you didnt notice i had a new avatar is 100 percent BS. its right next to everything i say. nobody is that blind. you simply said it hoping i wouldnt see it so you could take credit.

    and its not a personal vendetta. its you spreading false info about another member. they do give infractions for that, and i wont hesitate to take it to disputes if you do it again.
    ok lets not go around feeding people false info about me. you DID NOT make my avatar. my girlfriend did. so dont go around crediting yourself for something you didnt even have anything to do with.

    also i didnt say your martha was broken i said she was in general. you were also feeding him crap about me being a bad player or something. which is funny cus i distictively remember two stocking you today. with me using bottom tier and you using high tier.

    dont make me report you. talking behind my back about false information is not something i take kindly to.
    i got offended by the taunting, not the spam thing. if i got offended by that then i'd have quit this game by now. i get those compliments all the time :laugh:

    friendlies or not, excessive taunting with that message is bad sportsmanship, which really grinds my gears. (yes thats from family guy =P)

    and i shouldof said martha is semi-broken. shes like a bigger meta knight with a longer sword. in fact their moves are shockingly similar as well. if martha could fly she'd be just as broken as mk.
    thanks ^_^
    and yeah, I could give you some pointers on falcon if you like :D
    but if someone says your marth is broken, I guess I'm gonna have a real hard time against your marth with my falcon XD :D
    I was looking at the posts of one of the social groups I'm in, and I saw KIEF was in it, and I thought 'wow his avatar is cool', so I clicked on his name (bringing me to his profile).

    I looked around and read some of his profile messages (yes, I do that :p) and the top one was from you, and it said (amongst other things) 'marth broken? lol'
    so I wanted to see what KIEF wrote about 'marth beeing broken'.

    And I couldn't resist to comment on his comment.

    Thats how it all happened :p
    Lol yeah, that was the part I did understand :p

    so ehm, nice to meet you man. I am ToKnee :)
    Wow, I don't want to seem like a stalker, but here is the first time I ever heard anyone say that marth is broken 0.0
    ok taunting is unneccessary. its annoying when you do it every time you kill me or think you kill me (those are actually kinda funny lol). but telling me to not spam so much:
    1) i take that as a compliment. that means im doing a good job.
    2) a good link is going to spam. if he doesnt hes stupid. hes low tier for a reason.
    3) especially when facing a martha, again its suicidal to not spam. thats like me telling you to stop using sword moves.
    4) martha is broken. link is bottom tier. you have no right to complain if i beat you a few times. get over it. or try using a character that takes just a little bit of skill. my grandma could pick up martha and be able to take me to the last stock by thursday.
    Okay, If you receive the following message it happens to mean that you have sign up for my (Shadow's) latest tourney.

    F35's W.R.T4 .


    As of now its time the participants, (aka you) its time to started making there way toward the chat room used for the tournament.


    Good Luck and Hope you make it~
    TSM :D
    Im on when your ready. We can communicate which counterpick through name chane on character select screen.
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