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  • I'll try to get on xat but im just saying this.

    Ultimately i don't want none of us to win or lose because of lag i hope it to be a fair minimum if any lag at all i know i have possibly the worst connection in the world and that really makes you feel uneasy about playing me so if you really don't want to play because of the lag then i'll forfeit..i just want to hurry up and get all these tournies done with so i can quit and everyone can be glad that im not lagging they're space i'll try to get on xat now but im just putting that out there..sorry for once again wasting your time TGK.
    Yeah i'll play cause i just have today left because im leaving for 5 days starting tomorrow we can try now if you want but you might as well just tell gashi i forfeit because the fail connection i have and the adept characters on your roster i have a 4/10 of playing and possibly winning >_>
    Hey, Kazoo. Just wondering if you knew my replays were ultimately for a combo video, and if that made a difference in what you plan on doing with them.

    Thanks for recording, again. Very grateful. <3
    Hey! We're set to play for the world cup thing. I'll probably end up seeing you in he xat but meh just message me back when you know when you can brawl.
    I still never played his :falcon:.Trying to change that.
    B-2 i heard almost, if not beat, Slade with Jiggly.
    Bowser: Grab-release and Forward B for your life.

    D-3: OoS nothing but grab.
    Solved? lol
    I get the same with him, Neo does too, but he doesn't accept it.
    I'm laughing at how Tri-Hero cast me out though XD
    I wasn't looking to win Character Specific, as i joined for lol's, since i actually hate tourneys that i don't pick my chars for, Random ruins it, lol.
    Didn't expect much better :V

    Yes, seriously, i can't win Josh's Sonic in dittos, only Falcon takes the win.
    Already posted, and you can see why me and Josh hate Wifi Sonic >_>
    Too much punish in lag, looool
    Needs more:falcon: tho :V
    XD Seriously. Garra's and The Nice Ice Tourny took forever to finish. Then again them both were inexperienced(heavily). I just got to finish the Fight for Pink (so close!!!!!:bee:) and the Glyph Train. I've been waiting for DTK all day for the Glyph Train... KoRoBeNiKi supposedly leaves on his vacation tomorrow! So, I'm not sure what will happen there.:ohwell:
    >_< Don't remind me of my missed oppertunities. Heheh, sH33n's pretty good. If he joins a few here and there, he'll be just as respected.:) I guess I won't get many points for the power rankings this season but I know I will soon!
    I'm trying my very best for the team!:bee:

    I've seen a person or two mention LIO inside of the OTL. Not much but It's a start!

    Nice breakdown of your strategy points.:)
    I thought it was 3/5.:ohwell: I like how you weaved in and out with attacks. Not many people do that! Good Games man!
    Friend's laptop charger is busted, so Xat is a bit out of reach:rolleyes:
    I'm trying to get him on right now, since he can play until 2:00AM today.
    Ok, I'll CP PS1. Just to heads up my sister is on the cpu... so.., yeah... test!:bee:

    I've suffered with dail-up for 5 years so comparing WiiNet with what I had isn't so hard.:laugh:
    Alright sure. I've been waiting for DTK... I'm sure he'll show up,I hope. Alright I'm on the WiiNetFail:laugh: so you wanna chose a starter and CP with tags?
    Well, actually, it's pretty tough, seeing as I main Mewtwo and second Samus in Melee, and the physics in Brawl are so wierd.

    Yeah, I actually used to play ROB and Lucario and second TL and ZSS. But they're crap now.

    And those two MKs you fought were my friend from Oregon. He got cocky and said he thought he could beat you by going MK so I let him give it a shot, haha.
    Gawd I got *****.

    Transitioning from Melee to Brawl is haaaarrrrrd.

    Great games though, we should play more often.
    Oh, yeah, haha, sorry.

    5456 0256 5688

    Also, just have to register onto the site first, then I'll be on the chat.
    Hmm. Okay thanks. I'll experiment with that. I know a good projectile can but psyical wise I'll have to put what you said to the test. Thank you Kazoo.
    Sorry to bug you bro, but how do you beat nado/nado spam? ( I read in the it wont stop moving tourney thread that you beat it before) Please tell me because this has been getting on my nerves for quite some time now. Thanks.
    I knooow!!! 64 man tourny too!
    It would have been so awesome... When I come back though I'll start it all up again!
    I think it'll be at least another year.;) I'm also quite the tourist, so I'd prefer the West Coast for the second time.
    I already said i had to drop, like a week ago □__□
    Shouldn't be in OTLs without better connection anyway.
    Believe me I could've joined a lot more OTLs by now, like that HOR one. It would've been awesome if a fellow LIO would be in thier HOR Wall of Fame.:laugh: I've only got a week left until I go off on vacation.:ohwell:
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