I still post, just not in any public rooms. (All of my new posts from early March are in the DR and LoD with one or two of 'em in UB. I think.)
Put yourself in my shoes, would you still post in the Light House after what went down in early March? (I have nothing more to contribute to that room. Seeing it in it's current state in comparison to the "good ol' days" gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling these days. :3)
I'll consider getting that game for the 360 and playing the first one w/ you one of these days.
Btw, I finally got the CoD4 map pack lol.

(4.5 years later after release) xD
And I have a coolstorybro cool story to share w/ you:
I got my 20th nuke on Sunday, Domination on Scrapyard. I got like 30 kills in my CG (lol) and this one kid on my team kept on sending me voice messages. My team wasn't very good (surprise, surprise) so I waited till the end of the game when we were losing 150-198 and called in the nuke and won the game for us.
When I called in the nuke, literally, everyone on my team was saying "yayyyyyyyyy!!!" (mostly 12 year old kids) and the other team called me a "camping *****"
I listened to the voice messages after the game and this one kid said "Call....in....your....nukkkkeeeeeeee". The 2nd message I couldn't understand and the 3rd one said "Hey fatal can you invite me, you're my hero and im your biggest fan"

(I even accepted his friend request for teh lulz)