Ah okay. I'll get to it tonight.
I'll tell you the same thing I told Zook: do not show your novel until it is finished. Several reasons for this. For one, I cannot tell you if you are a novelist or not until I see how you write a complete story. Another, criticism. Think of this as a dancer who just started a routine. There may be some good moves here and there, but overall, it's a sloppy mess. THAT is what your rough draft will be. The dancer practices in private to perfect his routine because anything else will be criticized as "Well, it's good for where you are," or "wow, it's not that polished," and you will work to polish what you already have down. A novel is a three part process. Part 1 is weaving the idea. Part 2 is writing down the idea. Part 3, which is the most fun and important, is polishing the idea. That is where you will add themes, hint at greater ideas, etc. You cannot jump between Part two and Part three back and forth.
I'll have my section-by-section critique by Friday. Hope that helps.