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Recent content by SuperCoolSideAccount

  1. SuperCoolSideAccount

    How do you deal with getting mad?

    You might want to talk to someone. I'm not saying that you have a problem or anything, don't take it the wrong way. However I have OCD and often find myself becoming easily agitated when I'm in a bad move. I focus on my negatives and obsess over them until they begin to make me very depressed...
  2. SuperCoolSideAccount

    Objectification of Women

    Don't mean to re-open a dead thread, but this video sums up why I hate the term feminism being seen as a fight for equality.
  3. SuperCoolSideAccount

    What do you think of online dating?

    I've spoke to people online in that way and it isn't as good. Although I do think it's nice as I personally feel I can tell them more stuff I wouldn't normally tell people I know IRL out of fear that it would destroy our RL relationship. I feel that there is less to lose from an online...
  4. SuperCoolSideAccount

    The Unhappy Thread

    Just diagnosed with OCD, sucks. Maybe I can just get obsessively good at Melee
  5. SuperCoolSideAccount

    The Unhappy Thread

    I've been over thinking a lot of stuff recently, I think about the wording of everything that is aimed at me as if it means something significant. I realise the people I'm talking to aren't trying to embed some hidden meaning but I cant help but finding one anyway. I also just think way too hard...
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