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  • Like i've been telling lots-a people (Pally, sammy, Kwiz, etc.) I can't play Mon-weds- wait, it's thursday!?! I'll see what I can do. I've got homework, so maybe not tonight. I should be free in the evening tomorrow and over the weekend, though.
    Yah, I'll fix that avi soon enough. I'm waiting for 8-bit to get a better BM image.

    The criss-cross-dbls... I can understand. I meant the coin-flip. stages and characters get banned and allowed each round based on coin flips. It's gimmicky, but fun (ish).
    Dude, are you in Aibou's symphony? I don't think I saw you... what about the coin-flip toruney? :confused:

    someone haven't been on OTL recently!... :chuckle:
    GGs man. That was a close game on PS1. Thought I was gonna lose it. I felt like such an idiot because I kept on getting grabbed like that >.< :laugh:
    Yeah, though he's got the strangest set of stages I've ever seen...My counterpick will be Battlefield should I lose one. Where would you like to start?
    Well alright then, even though I'm not even sure we're paired up. Pally put you twice by mistake, so you might really be paired with the other person...
    You and I are up for the Don't Stop Me Now Tourney. Lemme know when you can play.
    I have about 7-8 extras... I think. I might have used some, but I can always go find some more.
    I realized we never made the move-tutor trade! I have a surplus of heartscales right now. If you want to do the trades over the break, that'd be cool!
    @sumliminal messaging: :bee:

    I tried to make you look once, but it didn't work. I DARE you to click that "bee." I DARE YOU!
    Oh, hey! Have you decided to be a boss, yet? if so, come join our group! (Brawl RPG)

    And spread the word to PragX, if He want to join, too.
    I think my wi-fi is better... I've only tested it a few times, but I think it's working again.
    Oh that one... I dunno. I'll check my router tonight. COX has been acting kinda weird in our neighborhood recently, so maybe that's it.
    Hellz yeah! I been brushing up on my ICs. see if I've gotten any better? meet you on wi-fi in 10. If you aren't there, I'll just log-in back here.
    All right. I can play we can do CPs through tags, and I'll let you decide. What do you want for neutral?
    It does? Maybe I didn't press them hard enough? jk...

    I'll try again. It just didn't work during our practice matches last weekend...
    yeah... for a GC controller, you press A + B, as opposed to [start] in Melee. But for some reason, I don't think it works Online unless you're wii-sharing.

    I blame Sakurai... He doesn't want someone to ruin their partner's strategy by taking a life without them knowing. I guess by wii-sharing, the game assumes your communicatinf during the fight...
    Get? as in when we fight? or scheduling? I'm kinda out-of-it today, so I'm not really sure what you mean...
    Just... tonight, I guess. I dunno If I'll even be able to fight... but I'll try to get on.

    Plan for, at the latest, 8:00. after that... I guess we surrender... I'm-a sorry. With the Interim coming up, my parents have gone criminally insane about Homework... I just can't keep up!
    Hopefully tonight. I wanted to fight yesterday, but my Internet... wi-fi... cable... and phone, for a while, completely crapped out...
    I couldn't do anything from 3:00 when I got home until 11:00 this morning!
    Hey. When you free to fight Gordo eats Ramen this weekend? We're due by Saturday...

    (I can't believe I'm the one reminding you!)
    OK... first question: no... My wi-fi's been acting weird lately... I thought I'd fixed it, but for some reason I'm only allowed to start brawls: I can't join them. And I can't even join Basic Brawl or Team Brawl on wi-fi.

    Next question: I just learned (5 minutes ago) that I'm going to a concert tonight at my church. I can brawl again... I just had to go change into more dress-y-ish clothes.

    BTW, your Pit *****.
    yeah... I hear ramen (crap! we have to fight him) can't play today, so we have some time to get ready...

    I still feel guilty that we won via coin-flip...

    EDIT: yes, I would... let's have our manly-off now.
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