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  • Hmmm

    I dunno, my Friends list is serious business. Can you get another person to confirm your gender?
    Well planking, on its own, is broken. Scrooging, and people planking more cautiously, is what I see making people severely question Ledge Grab Rules. With Scrooging, you stretch out the edge grabs needed to plank. I'm not entirely too sure how I feel about that, but I do know that if the only thing in place is a LGL, that people WILL find ways to abuse scrooging or stretching out edge grabs to make it work.
    MK I am neutral about. Might sound weird coming from the guy who made the planking info thread that showed MK was broken with planking, BUT it's true. Basically here's how I see it:

    MK, as he is, is too strong to be allowed without at least some kind of restriction on him. While I think the idea of a restriction on him, or anyone in the first place is MEH because it suggests "Hey this character is stupid, but our community won't admit it so we just cover it up with rules", but honestly I think that situation of having a "bad" rule is better than having none at all. I feel that the easiest and arguably best solution is to ban him, but I could respect the community if they decided that limiting him was the best solution, and took action.
    Obviously you don't know pacman that well. He is sexier than Channing Tatum. And sexy people rarely carry anything heavier than an assault rifle.
    Do you have anything on SWF I can link to?

    If it impresses anyone in the room, expect a little something something. Otherwise, sorry. :p
    haha thanks! yeah It's too awesome. I don't think I'll be changing it for a long time :)
    lol hey Spelt. Going to bed now. Gotsta work tomorrow morning. We will talk again.
    Fine. My terms:

    1. Stop telling me I started this by insulting you. I am not the type to insult someone when not provoked. There must have been a misunderstanding or something because that is just not me.

    2. Don't tell me I refused to play you. This is another thing I would never do. Hell, a large part of my smash playing is teaching scrubs who've never heard of SWF to not suck. I don't ignore people who ask to play me. Again, there must have been some misunderstanding.

    3. I will not respect your opinion on MK. It just won't happen. There are some pro-banners who make points I respect, but they always come from people who have been taken out of countless tournies by high-level MKs due to matchup difficulties/their own mental block.

    4. I'm not a bad person and I don't believe you are either. Hell, I get along with UL in person just fine, so I see no reason why we should have any trouble. I find it very big of you to actually try to sort this out rather than ending it in conflict. And sorry for pretty much saying you have no idea what you're talking about...It's pretty much what I think of most members here...I apologize regardless...

    Wall of text seems arrogant on read-through, but it's how I post so I'll leave it.
    Didn't really read all of that, buuuttt:
    I'm not anti-ban; I'm pro-reason. Reason is something you completely lack in the issue, which is what made me lose respect for you on here.
    Why do you want MK banned? Because you've heard he's pretty good? Because you've seen some top players lose to MKs?
    You fully believe this character should be banned and yet you have no real first hand experience to back it up. You go into tactical brawl discussion and talk as if you know something.
    If you are just going to tell me I'm mad or an elitist, then I'm done with you. Believe what you want. All I ask is you take a serious look at why you are so certain in the issue.

    edit: Read it all.
    You say I have no idea how to react civilly and yet your entire post was an ad hominem...nice.
    You made up a story about me ignoring you and are now raging over it...
    If you want to play me, which I have already stated that I would make sure would happen, you aren't acting like it.

    QQ less. We live in the same state. Try to act on here as you would act in person. If this is you in person, then we might have compatibility issues.
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