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  • If by "exact same time" you mean "10 minutes apart" then yesh.

    And it's Westley. :[

    At least you put the T in there. Most people don't.
    wtf you're online?

    I came here to tell you that I miss you SO MUCH, and you're online?


    edit: lol at your profile. My last post here says I'm done showering, and this one tells you how much I miss you.

    You don't have to use TL on wifi.

    It would be immature to judge someone after playing them online. I use my mains on and offline cause I don't care. If you change your mind then I'm always here.

    As for tournaments, I haven't been to one yet but that will change soon.

    What makes you think I can do that? <_< I can't drive, nor am I old enough to do so.

    Are you too good for wifi now ? :p

    I'll be in Chicago all day. There's a tourney in Chicago...but I'm going to the aquarium instead.

    haha that was fast

    ...why aren't we playing on wifi?

    You didn't hafta upload the picture, I just sent it for fun. You should watch the replay I just sent, we picked on Marth because he won the previous game :]
    I filled at my lease agreement last night to the outpost
    I'll be having smashfestsssssssssss
    If you're talking about when Ally beat Lain, it's because I was barely watching, I had been seeing Dedede vs. Snake matches ALL DAY and it's one of the most boring matchups you'll ever watch.
    I'd look for that picture of Anther with his gamecube under his bed, buuut I won't be able to find it.
    Man this guy is soo gay with toon link
    ahaha. It's fine. I dont care if im called dude anymore. I'm not exactly girly anyway. Ignore the hearts, tho. I just like them ever since Kingdom Hearts. ♥
    I was wondering if you were already on mines, but it said Befriend, so i just pressed it lolol. ♥
    If you perfectly space your zairs, then they cant grab you. Also, nair's works too. Basically, if you space everything correctly, then they shouldnt be able to grab you. Keep bombs in your hands for chain grabs too. I also wouldnt suggest going to big stages like FD, more grabs can be done. Also, if they are shielding so much, just run up and grab. Dont do it too much though, cause they gonna start spot dodging.
    *gimps G&W with reflector*

    *goes down to mock him with more reflector action*

    *gets 9'd*


    I swear to you, being totally serious, that entire game I was thinking "I KNOW I'm going to lose this somehow, and this replay is going to be worth saving."

    You were always on "offline"

    And I managed to find one "friend" (meaning not some random AiB person) that was on, so I played a bunch of games with him.

    Falcon Punch is too freaking good as an edgeguard on wifi.

    Falcon Punch is too freaking good on wifi.

    Falcon Punch is too freaking good.

    Thank you. ^_^
    It's been so long since I last had to fill a spot in on the Sea Chart.

    Is the orange text that color in game?

    Kirby owns Olimar!

    Just don't rolldodge like a noob as much as I did in the matches I linked XD

    I'm so glad I don't rolldodge like I used to...
    Not too bad, actually. The Kirby boards have it listed as 60-40 Olimar's advantage, I personally believe it's a little closer.

    First of all, Kirby OWNS Olimar offstage. Dair, Bair, hammer, whatever, he's going to die if you aim properly (superarmor can give you trouble though)

    Onstage, Kirby has just as much trouble with Olimar's lame pivot grabs as anybody else.

    Final Cutter goes through Pikmin like a knife through butter. It's pretty good.

    Inhale him and Starshot offstage for a gimp, or Copy his power and spam the crap out of him. Sure, he can jump and outrange you with his Side B that way, but Kirby has freaking infinite Pikmin.

    In the air, Kirby generally wins.

    I played a good Olimar on AiB ladder recently (a guy I met in the tourney 2 weeks ago) and I managed to beat him. I played friendlies with him in the tourney, and I think I lost, but I generally don't try hard in friendlies before a tournament >_>

    Kirby's neutral A jab is good in this matchup, and Fair is good for hitting Pikmin off...

    If you have a good Kirby and know how to fight Olimar, I guess you can win. Just make sure you ban Corneria -_-


    old videos, back when I had no idea wtf to do against Olimar

    All that said, I still despise fighting Olimar -_- he's just so lame...
    Oh fine, I'll just have Bill make the Vulzard himself. And then it'll evolve into a Ninezard. :flame:

    I might not even come home this weekend, I might get dates with girls/play Melee with that crew instead.

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