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  • I was 3 months rusty, and was using secondaries.


    JaMeS is a great Marth, beat my MK

    I was shocked.

    I normally don't give handshakes, I do the classical slap and tap. lol

    Don't worry about doubles, I was winning often xD I would have just asked "can I do a $1 mm real quick with my friend sasuke"? and just let you keep the money if I won or something. lol

    You going to the next quiznos? (I prob. can't make it to backyard brawl)
    Sounds good, my ice climbers have gotten a lot better. But everyone here uses MK and snake ;-;
    They always seed the newbies D:

    Good jobz though
    Im going to another one of the locals sunday.
    Hoping to at least place top 10 this time.
    Last time I only got 13/26 ;-;
    Meh, I really don't care about it. Most important thing is that both Sasuke and MK have Hax.

    Tomorrow? I'd really like to know how you'd go about pulling that one off. >_>

    Itachi = Snake(apparently Big Boss, there's supposedly a lot of similarities in the actions of Itachi and Big Boss from MGS 3, but I still need to finish MGS 3. >_>)
    Sasuke = MK(BS win against Itachi, BS not getting killed by Eight tails, Hax, sword)

    Yeah, doesn't matter if I say my name now that I told it to Fast back at Gigs. :ohwell:
    I'm not the type a guy that likes to argue k when i do get in an argument I end up taking it too far ok i'm sorry for sayin anything. If you wanna troll or flame me go ahead i can take it i won't report you to the mods. The only reson I had a dispute was cuz I got in a fist fight the same day that chaco guy went trolling on me. Mabe you like to argue over silly things like that but not me.

    btw the other guy threw the first punch. Ok i'm ready do your worst.
    Ha that's not that much.
    And the thread would seem like I want all this attention on me ha.

    I'll just post some places and wait for PM's
    Ha no it's really my nickname :)
    Been that way since like 4th grade haha.

    Thats what everyone knows me by :D
    Okay well Ill be back in like 20 minutes. Its be sooo long in the 1st match give me like a couple of seconds to check out my bair timing on wifi. >_>
    If I go get my brawl disk, 20 minute drive, would you be able to wifi? Im not going to get it if nobody can wifi.

    P.S. Ive gotten better =3
    not as amazing as when I Inhaled onstage, you were below, got hit by the lava, went up, and then the Inhale somehow made you fall down again, THROUGH the lava, and you died.

    THAT was amazing.
    Shweet. I look forward to it.

    And about that Brinstar replay you sent me...it's not a big deal. Weird stuff happens on that stage all the time, and I frequently go through that middle section even though it's not broken.
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