What do you say Sosuke?
You going to tell me that concept for this demon clone video or what?
Well... First of all this song is not as good as my implants.
And, it's not even close to niftybird or my pants,
So I will distract DRoom by getting half naked,
And throw everything at them,
But the kitchen sink sink,
the kitchen sink sink, what do you think think...
I will prove that I don't have a penis, wink wink,
First I'll get stripped naked by some burly super mods,
Then make out with Lythium in the prison yard yard.
This video seems kawaii you should just do it alone,
Besides I'm getting sick of all these songs about clones,
Bail me out of jail then we pause for some bad gameshow,
We poison everyone including a cute neko,
Then we start to dance,
And there's dead oniichans everywhere,
As usual I have a lot of kawaii desu in my hair,
Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Product Placement,
We hide the de-dead oniichans in the Ba-ba-basement,
Blood and Guts and de~geso and ge~deso,
And, I just wanna make your head explode,
Beep-beep-beep Beep-beep Beep-beep-beep
That was Dekuu in morse code,
If you think I'm doing this,
Then you're a crazy blackbird,
You must of blown a butthurt,
Are you tripping on gofast,
As a child were you marquee'd by some big crazy niftybird,
And did she ever make you place the inu in the basket,
I just wanna do a simple shoot with ponies,
You used to be a diva,
Now you're Nyan~Nyan'yan,
You're gonna do my video,
And do it my way,
I'd hate for something kawaii to happen to your family,
My family-ay?
That's right Sosuke,
A piano might accidently pomf on Brittany,
Somebody help me cause I don't want to sing anymore,
She's hurt my butt and my head on the dance floor.
Rub a dub-dub three mova in a tub,
And they're doing it with a fuelbi gnome.
Please don't beat me up,
But I have to ask what,
Does it have to do with a demon clone?
You're crazy Witch! Ahhhhhhhhhh!