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  • It's fine. I decided instead to mop the floor with people who I used to go even with 5 months ago.

    5 months of playing Melee made me better? :o
    I think my Dad's on the TV again. >.< lemme go check

    *runs upstairs*

    Yep, he is...

    I'll be back from work at 5-8pm PMT however...
    ahhh youtube is ********. I clicked "post a video response" and chose "upload video" and clearly that didn't work.

    I just did "choose a video" and it's a response now. T_T sorry

    *wonders if I can send more Kirby replays for you to email me in the future*
    Ok, but only if you do all the work and host XD

    Well, not really. It's just that I'm most likely not going to be using my dad's laptop anymore, so there is a huge (over 9000) distance between my Wii and my compewter.

    We need to practice more first. We suck as teammates right now XD


    And man, how can anyone, even a girl, not hold boobs in reverence? I don't get it.
    What? I thought it was her.

    Or maybe you linked it a long time ago and I didn't see it, but she linked it just like a month ago and I saw it then. >_>
    it says it's inviting me to join the team "sasukebowser's team"
    is that the actual name? should I reject and we can try another name?

    we should get a pic from the okkusenman flash...even though the team name won't work.
    I don't get home until 3 (school gets out at 2:37 - friend takes me home) however since tomorrow is an Odd Block (1-3-5 and 2-4-6 are our schools blocks, each day is a different period set. Odd or Even)

    My friend won't be giving me a ride - he'll give me a ride down to Beach (aka: Main Street) and I'll have to take the bus home.

    I won't be home until about 3:45-4:00. Then we can brawl for 4 hours :p haha...
    ugh, Dad's being a ***** and won't just go downstairs to watch his show. (Yea, we share a room)

    We have two tv's, and he won't let me put my wii on the TV he never uses such bull****.

    Is tomorrow good for you?
    well the link you linked didn't work.

    I'm assuming the one I did though.

    He said something like "while doing downsmash make sure to make a "FFFFFFF" noise"

    and I was thinking of those "FFFFFFUUUUUU" pictures

    boring birthday...search for jobs, sleep, get yelled at for sleeping...
    Spell my name right and I will tell you. :mad:

    jk. I posted it on the group just before you. How did you miss that? It is a thread. It will say megaupload blah blah blah, then download the link under it, which is the update. The page that comes up will be in all Japanese, but choose the top update, which is 1.06.

    Ggs. Not too laggy. Doubles on wifi suck though :/

    I've gotten sooo much better with my secondaries @_@
    especially Fox
    and Pikachu, even though I like, haven't practiced him much at all.

    And Ike kept doing Nair OOS even though I wanted Bair :[
    well if you read the message he says there are textures in it :/

    but thanks for letting me know

    I sent you an amazing replay. You can record it if you want.

    If you do, send it to me so I can set it as a video response to "...jerk"
    raaaaaaar Dawg yo le he oído, como la crianza de los hijos, por lo que dio a su hijo a un niño para que pueda abuelos mientras sus padres
    can i join your TL social group?
    Yeah when I made my vid and saw that it made me kinda sad...because I'm sure I've done it before without the bomb...I'll have to try it again.
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