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  • First things first, give me your AIM. Liek NAO. This is moving a little slowly and I'd like to go to bed soon so excuse any mean-ness in my words.

    Second. What folder are these things in? They should be in the folder CLANNAD which should be in the folder KEY which should be in your local disk.

    Third. CLANNAD.cdi is the disk images for Clannad. Get Daemon Tools Lite and mount it on that.
    Well, if you can correct me please do, it looks like (just from looking at the instructions) you need the KOE folder and the koeicon file. Do you also need the SEEN file? Before you say yes, are you sure you have the one for the voice patch?

    If possible I'd like to do this all at once so please tell me.
    The SEEN download seems to be working...

    The link you posted was just the instructions. Almost all the links on that site are broken and the ones that aren't have broken files instead. Hold on, I'll upload my stuff.
    if by "down" you mean I went to it no problem and am sitting in the chat

    then yes, aib is "down"
    One is an update, if you want to play online you need to use the update.
    The other is the program for online play. Melty Blood doesn't support its own netplay so someone created MBcaster for netplay.

    We can sometime. The Wii hasn't been taken away yet, hopefully my parents realize they're being *****es.

    If they do take it away, I'll start walking around naked or something.
    Why do you ask? Did somebody say I was? I'm still trying to learn what cards do what. I just started playing earlier this week. I can't say that I'm good yet.
    I added you waaay earlier today on youtube.
    Your video of laying bombs on BF is total win, I never knew about that.
    Please keep adding cool TL vidz :)
    Joke = Great
    Brawl = Joke
    Brawl =/= Great

    Disproving the Transitive Property.

    Now next time use your TL. :p
    Haha, well good games. :p and next time I want to see your TL.

    And ya, Wifail.
    "Game Disc could not be read"

    I was probably Jigglypuff or ROB on Random. :( ffs.... my sisters ruined my disc.....

    Good games, I completely failed in that Marth ditto. :x I mean... SD, buffered up-B (woops. SD) and then another buffered up-b (SD. woops) lol
    Yes pl0x. Get on, I'll host.

    You can get my IP but I'll just tell you.

    The two zeros at the beginning are in brackets b/c they're not actually there but you need to put them in when you enter my IP in SWR.
    Or have you played before?
    On second thought, don't answer that. Just get on and I'll be hosting.
    Play me, please.

    BTW if you didn't figure it out you just stick that in your SWR folder and it takes effect automatically.
    I have no idea what your settings are so I'm going to skip the head pains and actually upload something other than an image for the first time in my life. -_-

    I'll give you the link when it's done.
    Your computer won't let you go to the site? Weird.

    Actually that might not be necessary, Sasuke. As you know I have the file on my computer. Using Hamachi we can share files if the settings are configured correctly for your internet connection and for Hamachi. But if you think it would be easier to DL it from another site I'll do that.
    Your choice.
    Yeah, you can download the english weather patch if you want, but it's not necessary. Basically it just tells you what the weather is and what it does when it changes in english instead of japanese.

    Get hamachi and get on this:

    Network: Scarlet Weather Bunnyland
    Password: kawaii1
    Do you have 1.06 yet? If not, I can give you a different download. It gives you the English Weather Patch and everything. I think you can just replace the score.dat files.
    You mean more Smashfests.... I never really cared for 64, it'd be fun to play and all...but eh....

    Melee, I know there are - just not as many. (Most Large Brawl ones have Melee as well)

    :( I miss owning in Melee. Now SHFFL is hard.
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