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  • do you have your internet back?

    Finding ALL the hidden items? That's insane.
    Most of them are worthless anyway
    What else is there to do? :/

    But you should know two important things: Natures, and EV training. IVs are important too, but not AS important as the other two.

    Like, if I got you a shiny Raichu with a bad nature and good IVs, that would be worse than one with a good nature and bad IVs.

    I think.
    But I'm a pro :(

    Plus, I'm already over halfway to 40, and I have a Modest Ralts with Synchronize in my party, and Modest is a great Nature for Raichu, assuming you're going to use moves like Thunderbolt and stuff >_>

    What kinda moves are you gonna have on Raichew?
    tell me when you get your internet back
    so we can play
    i actually haven't touched barlw in days
    "now someone else will probably post in it first"

    I was gonna write "probably Emily" but didn't.
    And she posted.

    @Emily reading this: :p
    Last Activity: Yesterday 10:49 PM
    Current Time: Today 12:44 AM


    ...sorry, French moment.

    read my thread

    I thought you would be the first to post in it but you decided to be an afk noob
    now someone else will probably post in it first
    I doubt you have the skillz to find a shiny Pichu/Pikachu sry

    *is going to try anyway*

    right now I'm catching a bunch of Ralts that have the ability Synchronize, because if you find a wild pokemon and you have Synchronize on your lead pogeyman, there is I think a 50% chance of passing on your pokemon's Nature to the wild one.
    So I'm catching a bunch and hoping they have some good Natures.

    And right now the chain is past 20, if I make it to 40 I'll keep going until I find some shinies :D

    Because Gallade/Gardevoir are pretty cool...for 3rd/4th gens >_>
    You'll have what I get you! :mad:

    Your DS will have wifi since it's a SDi and can handle the newest wifi encryptions.

    I'll have to pirate wifi outside to trade. >_>

    I played Bunny the other day by doing that.

    I lost.
    Question. Do you know how I can make it so I can type å without having to go ALT+0229?
    Frowns sister is teaching me Swedish lol.

    I used every word I know in swedish on you. :D

    Did you read that guide I told you about? There are a lot of "rules" to follow...

    Like, buy a million max repels, only go into shaking grass if it shakes the same way as the first one you went in, only go into the shaking grass if it's 4 steps away (because those are most likely to have the same kind in it) ... reset the pokeradar if you don't see the shaking patches you want...don't use the pokeradar at the edge of the grass or there's a chance you might not get any shaking patches and it will end the chain...

    yeah it's kinda difficult...I managed to get 40+ only twice, and with shinx both times.

    It's easiest to do imo north of Sandgem town, where there's a big patch of square grass. You can get shinx, starly, bidoof, Sentret!, kricketot, and maybe something else there.

    ....no I don't think so, you only get "chains" from using the pokeradar, not finding pogeymanz normally.

    You still have the usual 1/8172 chance though :D
    naw...I can't go in that building yet either. I'm talking about the water next to the pogeyman center.

    Talk to the dude in the pool and he talks about the mysterious ruler of the place, or something. There are level 1-100 Magikarp if you fish in there with the super rod XD

    and infinite golducks if you Surf
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