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  • Eh, they used to. I didn't get to CP until grand finals. Alphicans used to **** it.

    And no it's not.
    Join his weekly this week. I got second this week, but a lag attack kept me from winning. I two stocked him on Corneria and he two stocked me on FD.
    I've played his best, and he's good. He can beat my GnW, which beat Bunny's Kirby. So there's a skill determiner.
    Yeah, it's lame, but oh well. Okie dokie with Shadow, thanks. But who knows, if the connection is bad enough, I could lose to a nobody. xD Before I get to you though, I'll make sure I don't lose.
    Lol play Shadow.

    and to the below, if Pro wins he'll have to play Shadow. Which you won't see Shadow's best chars Gigas.
    LOL! Yeah, for some reason my Lucario goes really crazy when he has high % on the last stock. xD

    Very nice Diddy, those bananas made me........... bananas.
    ROFL! We should team, MK and Diddy. I main Zelda/Sheik (My Zelda is better, but they work best together), second MK, then probably Ike, Marth, Lucario, Kirby, and Peach. Then I use a bunch of others, but not quite as well. xD

    Also: We're in the same bracket in the online tournament.................... BUT by the time we meet we'll both be in the top 32, and from then on it's double elimination. Still... =(
    lol i hear ya, the internet is the only thing keeping me sane anymore.
    i hope you have more fun doing, whatever it is your doing, than i will have sitting here on my ***. xD
    Just saw the videos. Good stuff man! You play Diddy in the right way, there's nothing more I can tell you. Just practice and I bet he'll become one of your strongest characters.
    hey sorry, i was out until about an hour ago, then just completely forgot. if you still want to play i'll be here the rest of the night, but i'm sure you woulda destroyed me anyway :)
    Hm... Diddy... I'll take a look at the videos as soon as I get to the Wii. Judging from WiFi is gonna be tough, but I'll see what I can do. I've seen and played a couple really good Diddy's. Watched NinjaLink and played AlphaZealot. I'll tell you this: there's a lot of potential upside, he can be a GREAT character when used well. But since he's probably going to be a secondary, I'll try to see if the time-result ratio is in your favor from what I see. Luckily, one of the characters I recently picked up I consider to be my Diddy counter. xD
    "10. In the event that lag is beyond unplayable and both players agree. The match will be decided by a coin toss."


    Why do I feel that I'm going to lose to a connection rather than a player. [Not necessarily by the coin flip, just in general.]
    LOL! It's pretty much gives the same result, but with less aggravation. xD

    SBR Rule list: Dodging online is banned.
    Surely, I can go for a FFA. Or teams? Yeah, I think the best attitude is not expecting to win necessarily, but believing that you CAN win if you play well enough.
    Well, there aren't many Samus tourney players out there, but you're going up against a top tier with a low tier. I only played Ally once online awhile back, and against his MK. He's tough dude, we're talking one of the best pros. Haha, sorry for sounding pessimistic. By all means, if you guys meet, you stand a good chance. You have a few things going for you (element of surprise and whatnot), plus you're a pretty darn good player yourself lol. PULL THE UPSET!
    GGs x_x Your Samus is too good *dies*

    I loled at the uptilt spike XD It made no sense but at least it worked :p For some reason, I'm scared of approaching your Ganon lol We should definitely play again sometime. My snake needs some practice o_o;
    Yeah... I haven't been on smashboards in a while since I've been engrossed in Brawl+ and lots of other games. I'm glad you remember me though! *man hug*
    Good morning Mr. Gigas ^________________^

    Wanna brawl ? I'm afraid that all of this SFIV training might have gotten me rusty x_x
    Ah the mighty Gigas STILL lives? DAI already.

    Haha. How are things, Aksel? Just got back from a great vacation. Things are looking up quite well, so im back to the site. I wont leave again unless i am sent away to slay She-Gigas, but that is unlikely. Hehe
    even if you do not do your match with JayTizzle, you are still in the double elimination brackets.
    No do your match with JayTizzle. or discuss with Trupr what you are going to do. The Trupr probably won't win anyway.
    ty smash...sry about the mix up...mayb ill see u in another tourney....btw...did u get ma friend invite lol?
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