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  • the way you suggested is the way to do it.
    well... the only way i know lol
    we plan on playing friday, is that's ok with you.
    K imma go sleep now -_- It sux when I have school doesn't it, I can't stay up late or I'll be screwed in the school days, and I miss brawl already! :( lol And I finally came to the conclusion that I use Marth if there is a lag that greatly effects my playing style, and Sheik when there's little to no lag :) I think I'm so confident in Marth that Imma use him in my tournament's loser bracket =D Well night smaci! :)
    ahh good good thank you. Well it's gonna be different then what you usually do. You just join in with them, kill all 3 of your stocks, then record it from there :) It's also interesting how we both main female characters, but we fight like men! haha
    lol yeah I was kinda surprised the way he acted T_T
    Well alright, send me the vid I can't wait :p Is the vid with me as Marth or Sheik O_O
    lol yeah it's alright, I forgive him :p We're all Christians :p Except you you Catholic haha
    lol thanx for sticking up for me? O_O Even though I don't think Caleb was really trying to "attack" me was he? :p
    Haha alright smaci I finally accepted your invitation. I actually had to go on your profile and click accept friend invitation, that's so weird O_O lol
    Sure. Maybe you can even practice your CGs and desynchs online. Unless you're really an "only" offline player. O: And I think you do know more desynch combos because I saw one of them on your videos... ;) And hopefully there won't be any lag.

    Lol.. I thought you were good too, because all the things you say in the IC boards is what you can really tell on what to do and say; I don't know a lot of competitive terms, so I replace them on what I think what they are...
    I am Availble everyday of every week unless my friends give me plans to join them skating or sleep overs etc...
    i am, i'm just between classes right now (next class is at 3:00).

    i'd recommend having the volume low on those rants btw....
    yeah, your desynces are fine. personally i wind up staying synced until my opponent does something stupid (like hits me) and then i get desynced and double team their ***.

    you just need to find a play style that fits how you play. don't try and change your fighting style because it works for someone else.
    ...you're not THAT bad. i'm just saying you could use some more work on timing/ spacing and whatnot. you're doing fine right now, but there's always room for improvement.

    and chibi is a good person to work with because he's a good tourney player, but not overly abusive like some of the higher end players.
    haha yeah I know! If you don't use your main in ffa's, it actually becomes really fun :p
    Well since tmr's a weekday, I won't be able to play brawl until friday afternoon T_T
    Oh well haha use that time to get even better or something :p Alright I think I should go sleep now, get ready for school lol Night!
    haha that's so late, I count play that late I got school tmr T_T
    How bout now? =D
    Well dude yeah I'm still feeling this way about using Sheik online -_-
    A few hours ago when I was playing DK, I kept killing myself at like 50% or less, I even died at 1% -_-
    It was just a bad moment, you probably had a bad moment too, well just do your best! =D
    ANd nope I didn't get the youtube friend thingy -_-
    weird, it's the right page. But I don't see a friend request at all O_O It's ok, I'll figure it out tomorrow! =D
    Idk maybe -_- She's really bad in laggy battles, and I'm still trying to play good with her in lags. But it's just really discouraging, losing to people I shoudn't lose too.... So idk man, I might switch soon.
    Dude calm down, you're ice Climbers are beast. I barely beat you with Shiek O_O And there's a lot more people better than your brother haha Your ice climbers are fine =D It's just that I had experience against your ice climbers for awhile, so i know what you're gonna do. You'd probably 3 - 0 somebody your opponent if they never faced you before =D
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