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  • It's really discouraging when you apply to a alot of different jobs and none of them call you back. Heck, I even applied more than once to the same place. :) (Yes, I'm that desperate)

    Alright, I can relate. My teachers have been giving me sooooo much reading that I think my head is going to explode lol. I have a quiz on Friday and a test next week... :(
    Get a job? lol im currently looking for employment at the moment but nothing good is being offered. :(
    Good. Buying ODST is the equivalent of burning your money. Spend your money on something practical like a new computer or food.
    Boycott Bungie like me. Only idiots buy ODST. Bungie is running the Halo series into the ground. Don't support Bungie by buying any of their DLC or future games.

    ODST is a filler game anyways. It only took them 14 months to make and it was to fill up 2009 with a Halo game. Halo Reach is coming out next year.

    Don't buy ODST. If you must then, only buy it for $20-30. (which it'll prolly be that price in like 2-3 years but w/e, MW2 is coming out in November and it's gonna be 1,000,000,000,000 times better. Buy MW2 instead of ODST. You won't regret your purchase decision.)
    I'm not getting it till it's the original price they announced ($40) for the following reasons (*prepare for ODST rant*)

    - The campaign will take you about 5 hours to complete. (Bungie claims they increased it from 3-5 hours to 8-10 but IGN and other game reviewers beat the campaign in heroic mode in under 5 hours...so Bungie lied...)

    - You play as a weak character who can't dual wield, gets hurt from jumps and his health doesn't regenerate.

    - Firefight mode is only 4 players and private matches only... (Gears of War 2's horde mode was 5 players and it had matchmaking and private games. Bungie failed here)

    - The second disk contains the Halo 3 MP which you already own and all of the map packs which you already own. Also, they say it comes with 3 "new" MP maps but as you know Heretic is a remake of Midship from Halo 2 so it's only 2 new maps and Bungie tries to lie but fails.

    - They originally announced that ODST would be $30 but then they added so much "new content" that it justifies the full retail price of $60 american ($70 Canadian....)

    I hate Bungie.
    No lol. I told you already, I don't like racing, fighting or sports games. I like my shooters! I like shooting anything that moves! :D

    Btw, we gotta play some Halo 3 sometime. :D
    Maybe I will. I'll start downloading some episodes of the animes you recommended next month. Cause my ISP is bad and limits you to 125 GB a month and they charge you a $1 per GB if you go over. Also, they like to go offline a few times every month. Last month, they stopped working for a week.

    Btw, so i herd u liek blazblue? :D
    Thanks, I'll look into some of those and tell you what I think of them. I have alot of spare/free time after class everyday to do whatever I want so I might as well watch some anime LOL.

    And yeah...I'll get on AIM/MSN more often to chat with you. I didn't really go on AIM/MSN during the summer because I didn't feel like talking to people but since school started again recently, I have to go onto those things to talk with my friends about school stuff and other random stuff lol.

    PS, I love "Love Hina"! I have all of their manga books! I ordered them off Amazon! I never saw the anime tho...and the only other anime on that list that I heard of was Bleach. The only thing I know about it is that I think the main character is this orange haired guy and they fight with giant swords like the majority of animes LOL.
    I did, I watched the first few episodes to the end then I got bored of them and I had other stuff to do. Mainly school stuff. What animes do you recommend a newbie like me? I'm pretty much open to anything. And if you recommend any to me, do you know any sites where you can get them? Thanks!
    HEY! I'm not old lmao! I know what skating, texting on cellphones and profile sharing websites/social networking sites are! I have a Facebook but not a MySpace cause that's for emo kids who write bad poetry and slit their wrists LOL. I just meant to ask you what toys are popular or "hot/cool" among kids these days.

    Have you ever been to an anime convention? And have you ever cosplayed? I'd never do that lol, I have my dignity!

    And I used to watch this anime called "Kanon" but then I got bored of it and then I started college which my teachers give you a lot of reading...I hate reading, don't you? Like my textbooks barely have any colorful pictures in them lol. I have a short attention span!
    I used to when I was younger. I remember watching Pokemon, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh! on TV. I also got the cards and saw the movies. Then it all died inside me and I stopped investing in stuff like that. I'd rather buy a video game now because I find them more entertaining and they last longer. (usually)

    And I've never heard of that character or that anime...is it new or something? And what is the "new" thing that kids do nowadays? I remember back in middle school most kids played yugioh, what's the "hot" thing right now lol.
    I see you got a new avatar! Very nice! Who is the character and where is she from?
    Poor you. I'm VERY dissapointed that we never played any halo 3 while you were on summer. :(

    school starts for me on sept 8.
    I broke 12,000 gamerscore today! w00t!

    Haha, just thought I'd let you know. :p
    Yeah, it'll definitely last. It hasn't even been a month since the game's released.
    Yeah, I won't be getting BB for it anytime soon. 60+ dollars is quite a lot. XD
    I still play my my 360. I just haven't been online in awhile is all.
    I'll be DLing Melty Blood for the PC soon. We can do netplay on that.
    Sure you can add me. The only games I have for XBL are Street Fighter II HD and Street Fighter IV. I guess I kind of got the 360 for RPGs and the sort. XD
    Maybe in the future I'll get Blazblue for it.
    I got my triple kill and overkill achievement in 1 game. It was on Snowbound and I had the shotgun and I was camping in one of the buildings behind the shield doors, one guy game in, i assassinated him, another guy game in, I shot him in his face with my shotgun, 2 guys came in and I shot them both and then the fifth guy game in beat me down (took down my shields but I was still alive) and I shot + meleed him in his face. It went like this in about 10 seconds : You killed [insert gamertag], double kill, triple kill, overkill, killtacular! I was so happy when I got that killtacular :p

    I don't play lone wolves anymore because it's all about cherry picking. IMO they should rename Lone Wolves to "Cherry Pickers" and the description for the playlist should be "Be a cherry picker! Watch other people fight each other and then sweep in for the kills!". It was really dumb when Bungie made it 8 players because that just encouraged more cherry picking, then they realized it was a dumb mistake so they turned it back into 6 players...stupid Bungie...
    Just out of curiousity, do you have all of the original (59 original ones = 1000/1000 GS) Halo 3 achievements?

    I do and I only had to boost for 3 of them : Mongoose Mowdown, 2 for 1 and Stepping Razor! I remember once when I was playing Lone Wolves, everyone wanted to boost for cheevos for I agreed then they met up in the sword room (it was the pit) and i came in with rockets and killed all of them LOL. OVERKILL!!!! I use the original body armor tho, not the katana...
    Well I'm pretty sure that even if he does recover his gamertag on another 360 console, you will still have the mythic map pack on your console because once DLC is on your 360, it can be used by all users/profiles. Arcade games are a different story though because those are DRM protected and linked to that specific gamertag, sure your friend can come over and download his full versions of arcade games on your 360, but one his gamertag is recovered on another 360, it won't work. And I'm also sure that Microsoft already knows about this technique and might ban you for sharing paid DLC with others.

    Bungie sickens me. This is why I like COD4 better than Halo 3. :)
    In case you didn't know, I have a very low image of Bungie right now. IMO Halo 3 was better before the TU2 (stupid individual playlist rankings and bad maps, stupid game types (multi flag in TD wtf???))

    The only map pack I'm missing right now is the Mythic map pack (no remakes, took Bungie forever to get creative and introduce a map pack that is 100% original) and I don't feel like giving Bungie anymore of my hard earned money so I'm just gonna wait till Halo 3:ODST comes out (it'll contain all the map packs and cold storage) and buy that.

    And I thought that won't work because the DLC is DRM protected? It'll only work with that gamertag/xbox 360 console? And I think that if Microsoft finds out you did that, they might ban your console because you're not supposed to share DLC like that.
    We almost got 4 times their score. Luke owes us 3 steak dinners now. :p
    The only thing I don't like about BTB in Halo 3 is that the games sometimes lag. For example, in the game I showed you, there was this guy from the opposite team driving an elephant so I sneak up onto it and fire a rocket at him, he doesn't die, so i stick him twice, he doesn't die so then I said to myself "screw it" and just assassinated him. It seems that Halo 3 wasn't meant for 16 players...and it's gonna suck in June because Bungie is gonna make social BTB mythic map pack required...I hate Bungie for doing this, like for the legendary map pack (which i have) they didn't limit anyone....
    I'm not giving Capcom anymore money for DLC which should've been free. There have been alot of articles on the Internet (gaming sites) about the Versus mode DLC basically being an "unlock code" which unlocks the mode from the game disc. Tsk tsk.

    And get it, we need to play Co-Op on XBL!!!!
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