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Roxas M
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  • :mad088: I can't believe I haven't added you as a friend all this time. x.x

    Anyway, good first posts in the PG. :D
    Thought I'd say that before I hit the hay.

    haha, you just ain't capable of protecting/rescuing her.
    you....emo, you. xD

    you know my skype addy so add me when you feel like it.
    enjoy the peace :p
    i've heard of that stream before, dun really know what that is tho =__=
    sounds cool though.

    yes you know me silly rosy. but you dun want to skype with mehhh
    i'd be too nervous anyway. i'm like, the most bering person you could ever talk tolol

    aint you gonna go to sleep geeez.

    :D *kidnaps her anyway*
    NOOooo fisho left >.>
    *kidnaps namine*

    " if i was mad i'd just ignore the person i was mad at, randomly delete VMs (doesn't work if the person i'm mad at can read deleted vms >.>) "

    ^there that's why i thought so~ x[
    moody emo is moody
    you obv didnt want me to read it anymoa

    bahhh anyway.
    i bought the headset and skyped a bit yesterday :3
    don't give me that look boy :mad088:

    edit: Elder sister gets +10 cool points

    Elder sister > felipe

    get @ her
    geeeeeeeeez you never know when rosy is mad or not. >.<

    like...i honestly thought you were.

    KID is da bess
    i do but i pretend not to
    *doesn't want to show her weakness*

    didn't expect you to react this way tho

    its noon here, so not too early.
    no flirting is fine with me, but the fact that you're mad doesn't sit well with me. D:

    oh i saw that edit!
    *dyes hair blond and pretends to be her*
    haha, okay.
    when i'm mad i'm thinking about quitting everything, not only deleting stuff :p

    anyway. off buying a headset now. cya
    go to sleep already! xD

    no my power level is just fine.
    when i first saw the deleted stuff i thought i had said really naughty stuff that you don't want others to see...
    then it turned out to be our talk about chao mein tskk... *shakes head*

    anyway, lets forget about it. thank you again^^
    haha, stalkers okay. but
    the hell why would you want me to not read what i posted before tsk tsk.

    lol mod powers freaking rock.

    oh about the fr thing i just saw the "befriend marthshadow" link there so yeah.
    whaa wait, you even break off our internet friendship?

    *goes to emo corner and tries to figure out whats up and what i did wrong*
    holy **** i forgot about your SWF bday as well. why i'm so dumb? DX

    oh and you deleted a bunch of my vms. lucky for you i can still read them. :madface:

    EDIT: oh i fogot why i actually came here.:p
    THank you so much! <3 the pics a e lovely.
    that was the first year... i wonder how long im gonna stay here.

    EDITEDIT: haha, an edit. that was not your first pic tho. lol
    have a nice day^^
    Tried Ustream as well, Justintv had a bit better quality but it had a bit more lag meh.
    Hey Roxas I was bored so I tested out some stream stuff and I'm getting way better quality with justin tv and it's 10x easier to setup
    If you can get me a render(Or a stock-picture)
    Then I can do it in one day.

    Otherwise...I get REALLY lazyyyyyy...
    *hug Roxas with my boobie*
    Late response is late >__>

    Anyways, good to hear you're taking college courses
    I'm taking some at this community college nearby, but the first semester kicked my arse
    Stupid responsibility >__<

    What's up with no one liking homeschool kids?
    I thought they were obligatorily smarter than normal kids?

    Maybe it's the jealousy gettin' to the college's lol

    What do ya plan on being, Tech support or some other crazy money making job?
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