You know what? This is rediculous. You have a bunch of people telling you how much they want you back and yet you still won't listen to reason?
Fine... I apoligize.
I promise I was not aware that you were around. Frankly, I had never heard this sound that was apparently so annoying, due to my sound always being off, so I was like "might as well find out what is so **** painful about it." My intention was as simple as that, and it was never out of a desire to cause you pain. We may have a bit of bad blood between us, but I'm no sadist, as you seem to claim that I am. If this sound causes you pain, then that will have been the last time that I play it.
So you have two choices. You can either take me for my word and come back to a chat full of people who have been groveling to get you back, or you can keep your petty aggression and hold yet another pointless debate with me. I would hope you choose the former, but that is completely up to you. Frankly, I do not feel like debating with you anymore.