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  • we can always talk....
    you can pm me if you feel like venting out.
    i usually keep to myself nowdays.
    Huh, really...well Ive said it before, but last time ended badly XD.

    Anyway, I hope your feeling better, even a smidge, cuz I gotta sleep now, Ive stayed up to late (I dont regret it tho ^^)

    Pleasent Dreams Ben, I hope to catch ya around more, if you ever wanna talk, just ask...well, ok just say it XD. I sure as heck will if I could use a hand =p
    Its how all rents are, youll understand soon. Just try your best to focus on what matters most, and keep your head up, sulking doesnt ever do any good, just stay positive and happy for what you got, and what the future holds.

    Hey, Im glad I can help, your like the lil bro I always wanted, and sides, if you can love online, u can care online =D
    Self realization huh, 1st off its natural how you felt, all humans are empty and cold. However something always fills it, in your case its love/Kade, it counteracts that emptiness, gives meaning to you, and you being together cancels the negativity your heart is (apparently) used to. I think your Mom means btw, that she wants whats best Emotionally for you, what gives you greatest happiness, so she wants to help you pursue your hearts endeavours. Dont worry to much about S school btw, if you work/study hard, maybe you can avoid it, if not it only lasts a month, youll still have a month to see him =D.

    Fyi, shrinks are useless, you can talk about your problems with no useful response for free XD
    Yeah but I know they won't last long -_-, and my social skils are not that great it is amazing I even have some.
    Ben, its ok, I wanna hear, your sorta worrying me to, so Ill stay up and help ya out best I can, Sempai's word =D

    Safeway as a cashier, not glamerous...but it works
    Not to bad, not to good. Same old same old, I envy people that seem to still have their emotions intact. But I hate at the same time >_>, so I hurt them emotionally <_<. I'm such a good friend
    My friend made a link vs marth thread in the general discussion and I must say I just hate over hyped legend of zelda fan boys >_>
    My apologies...it's just for a short while. Changes with the mood I suppose.
    I hate you...
    Oh well, is a better feeling kicking someone's butt with these control.
    Anyway I'm going off, off to BARGES house to kidnap him.
    Nighty night.
    It has barely any button.
    Anyway, if you ever decide to use the wii remote+nunchuck.
    I have a guide for you >_0
    Wii remote+nunchuck!
    I'm probably one of the only online player, you find using it.
    I feel special ^_^
    Most of my girl-friend are doing it.
    Is cool, but it's creepy when you look in their hole without the jewlery or ring >__>
    You should pierce your nose!
    I love you too <3
    Hope I get to see you this summer
    Im going to bed nao <3
    Night ily <3
    Is 85 degree over here.
    I'm all sweaty from playing brawl, my hand got slippery so I SD some match o_0
    What do you think of girl, that pierce their belly button?
    Good luck <333 I believe in you 8D

    Fine lol, im gonna test for mah next sash soooon
    10-30 depending on which one you get.
    I got mine for 34 bucks, and to think it could have broke so easily ;-;
    Ah, good luck! I played offline with Shadow just yesterday. Fox and Marth are GODLY offline. Geez it's so fun. This summer I'll start going to tournies.
    Yup. I didn't know you used Dedede. Sorry if my friend annoyed you. Shadow is good, but he can be a bit childish with C. Falcon at times. I know him irl. He's like a casual player that plays like a competitive one.
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