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  • I forgot it's name lol. That moogle is from FFIX. >_<

    And you're meant to ignore those "~" :088:

    Ah okay. :054:

    Oh you didn't? Must've been me overthinking then. You put "Slow"poke there and since I'm a Sonic main... >.> lol
    (Meh I don't know Snake so I probably don't know what I'm talking about) Like you when you said "Then Snake activates the C4 on the right time, and when the opponent flies up, Snake footstools. While the footstool, drop another C4." I'm confused. >_< Hence the Psyduck. :054:

    :054: lol I saw what you did there with that Pokemon.
    lol whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? X_X

    Sounds hard to pull off for Snake to footstool when he blows up the 2nd C4. Awesome find nevertheless though!

    lol if you want.

    I couldn't think of any other taunt before I joined your room so I just thought "Aniki!".
    lol, cool :088: taunt. My tag :088:

    Meh, last time I remember doing teams with gamerguy we always tried to get "cool" kills lol. He plants a C4 on me, I grab an opponent, Uthrow them and he detonates the C4. We make that a bit too obvious too :urg:
    Fun dittos Aniki! :088:

    Yeah I noticed you were going for the jab locks lol. Epsecially during Delfino Plaza with those Dthrows, you were pretty close in getting me into them too. :p

    That spike made me O_O; Thats the second time I flew so fast to the bottom blastzone lol. Gamerguy spiked me like that in teams (teammate lol) in FD.
    lol doesn't bother me. The lag was hell with the Portugese players anyway and there is tons of them in that tourney.
    I know why you can't get the Pink Name. Queen Killjoy has been away the past few days apparently lol.
    You're right. I shouldn't question the Pit expert x.x

    I'll try Falco and Snake :088:

    We gotta try out teams sometime :)
    Yeah, Pit spacing :urg:

    Only thing I can think of for your Pit is you up-b and hug the stage sometimes. You're asking for a stage spike xD

    Next time I'm tryin out Falco >_>
    Nah, I tried MK but I didn't like it. I liked playing as Pit though :]
    So Pit/Marth as possible secondarys. :)

    How did you decide?
    D3's kinda getting boring for me :\ I want somebody with faster air speed lol.

    I don't want to make any promises, but if I do make it to Winterfest, we will definitely team :bee:
    Yeah alright. :)

    I dont mind, I already have those tags lol. Lets try and not spindash each other >.<
    Well, I don't know who I should main or second... I seem to do better with Peach than D3 and Marth and Snake are both fun to play.

    What's up with you? :088:

    *looks at messages below* Is your partner SoniKupo? :p

    Hm, who should I partner with... I need to play doubles more often lol.

    lol okay then, no regrets! :088:

    Use any character you want @_@ If you are going Sonic though our tags are gonna be "True" and "Blue" :p
    Thanks for the info Ramen ^_^

    Alright so far. Just the usual homework..
    Oh and I've been practicing Marf :) Pivot-grabbing with him is fun :chuckle:

    What've you been up to Kraken? lol
    LOL why me?

    Thats true >.> Im just joining more tourneys for the sake of (boredom) reppin :sonic:

    Who are you using? Sonic too? :laugh:
    I'm disappointed Ramen. I'm a lurker remember? :088:

    Also, her name is mentioned several times in the Pool Room, OTL and other places so it's not hard to figure out lol.

    Premium Members can have Pink names too y'know.
    I can't help it. I re-checked the Premium Membership thread and it does say 2 Pranks per month and I havn't used my second prank. All I can say is Azua can't be bothered atm lol.

    Want a different coloured name? Get Premium then. =)
    Well that's odd. Kinzer got his Pink Name in 2-3 days. :ohwell: I just checked that PM and I didn't spell your name wrong.
    I have invaded your profile page to pester you for an answer. :mad088:
    (Brawls, ya?)
    Darn your fast typing...
    ehh... I kinda did LOL

    It was either gonna be,

    True Blue
    Sonic True Blue
    ソニック True Blue
    True Blue, Moogle!

    True Blue fantard lol. So yeah, I prefer the Japanese words. I don't know what Sonic is in Chinese... :urg: I just know his Japanese version so I stuck with that. But thats fine though 'cause he's originally Japanese ^_^

    So how long have you been waiting for that Pink Name?
    CORRECT! Oh Tuesday eh? I never keep track of these things. >_<

    lol I figured you'd get it.
    Wow was it only 5 days? I get bored quick then lol. Wait you counted? @_@

    Nah, keep guessing.
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