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  • maybe a little later. I have to go to the back sometime tomorrow to set up some account stuff.

    ICs in teams?
    cant now. lets try tomorrow. We need to do more melee teams. Dat junk was phuun
    that's just mcnabb being mcnabb...lol
    though i have to admit when I saw McNabb cross that line of scrimmage I was screaming at the tv...though I saw him make it all the way across and clapped like hell lol
    we should've wrecked your broncos...but you guys got lucky with your 2 TDs in the 3rd quarter (iirc it was the 3rd quarter...)
    I saw it.

    He's always played like that, and it worked vs LoZR too(Adam might have been pretty nervous though...don't quote me on that though).

    It's an opportunistic style instead of a fakeout or rushdown style. He uses minimal movement, like Cactuar, but it's in response to what his opponent does. He plays him like Ganon. He puts himself into a position where he can use a move that gives him an advantage against most of their approaches and waits it out. He's patient.

    I think that I've heard bits and pieces of this before but didn't know it was THIS serious. Can't say I'm super surprised though.

    I'm not sure where it's going though.
    It's not lol.

    Agreed. R3's stream isn't up yet either.

    I agree. He plays as gay as you can be without being puff though. =p

    200% agreed.
    you covered it up pretty good with the assuming bull****.

    we haven't teamed since like billfest. we should bring team karl back.
    We will train, but rocky mount is 45 min away bro. No matter, we go up there alot to hit the clubs and party =))


    That's not what I'm doing.

    we haven't had any other crews. Notice that we got hype over rivalries.


    It is, and thanks.
    "do it at after a tourney so people like me, who dont make the top 8 still have something to do besides hype"
    lol if I had to pay for gas I bet my costs would be way above my earnings. but pp never made us pay gas, and before him me and jims parents never made us pay for gas lol. and ape barely charges us anything for gas, like 5 bucks.

    it's pretty satisfying winning money at a tournament lol. you should start training more in singles, it's much more satisfying then winning in doubles...imo
    it probably evens out for me over all the years combined
    i've only started doing good in 2009 and I've been entering since late 2k6/early 2k7
    i'd estimate like ~500 spent and like ~700 earned. I wish I had been keeping track of how much I'd won exactly it'd be cool to know.
    i was hoping to win the tournament too
    isn't that the point of us playing for prizes anyway?
    you do good in region, so you can raise up money to afford to go to bigger tournaments and represent your region.
    it sucks that sc had another tourney get decent hype only to end up much smaller then they wanted
    i really wanted to go
    needed to go actually, idk how I'm gonna pay for pound4 now lol

    your parents are probably right though
    i'm pretty good at peach dittos...at least I've beaten the 2 people I've played them with lol
    not counting when munk ***** me when I was terrible

    i play everyone so...just ask
    my peach is pretty average, I'm sure mike's is tons better lol. if we play and i see anything then I will tell you though
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