So it seems things died out there, huh? Well, that's what I kinda expected...
But the reason why I left was because, as a whole, I felt like it didn't matter if I posted there or not. In the end, I just felt like this piece of s*** who's purpose was for people to laugh at their misery. That hiatus I took before I left helped me regain myself. What made it worse was people like Ary and Rey who took everything out of context and make me look like the bad guy.
But...if what I infer from what you posted me, it looks like the best of you guys remain...
I'll consider coming back, you know, try doing something with you guys again for a week, and if I feel like things have changed, I'll stay.
If you guys want me back, that is. If you guys do, then I'll need the link again, as I pretty much deleted anything that signified WoR after I left.