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Mini Mic
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  • Hey, depends when work rosters me in :[ I should either be working day or night, so I'll let you guys know on sunday. What are the plans to do?

    Heh, I live about as far away from the city as humanly possible. I'm right out in the country areas of Victoria. I doubt I'll be around.
    Just so you know, accusing me of photoshopping my eyes is not a way to get on my good side.
    Cao's given the green light, so wheee!

    Planning to get there on the 16th and leave on the 20th. We have to organize a meetup, if simply to make some sort of watered down Aussie Moast Pi. XD
    lol, I've watched through the series about twice and the movie a few more times (At least once with commentary).

    I also own all the manga up to 11 (Which is all that is available since the manga is STILL going - It's halfway through end of eva atm) as well.

    In the 12th grade, I studied extension english literature and wrote a massive essay (like 3000 words) on 'the effect of anime on society' deconstructing both Eva and FLCL and all of their Freudian references and what not.

    Holy bejeebus I am a fan boy =_=

    Also lol, exploding Misato.
    But without Gendo everyone would have died because of Seele.

    With Gendo everyone died except Shinji and Asuka.

    Asuka looks sad because she wanted the glory of slaying Gendo for herself.
    So, in the face of something so unstoppable as Gendo House.

    You post an eva cosplay picture that seems to make no sense whatsoever?

    How dastardly genius!
    I'm going to find a pic of a hot Gendo and then you're going to lose good sir!

    <3 my Sachiel avvy
    I am quite certain that your Rei defeats mine.
    lol, I couldn't resist when I saw the Sachiel mask as your avatar

    It would be "smarter", per se, but the smarter thing isn't always the right thing...I made my statement, and I did something no one had the guts to do...like it or not, I'm proud of what I did...and I don't care that Nintendo doesn't care...
    I'm just going to ban talking about alcohol in general. Apparently it's too hard for underaged kids to keep their god****ed mouths shut.
    haha. I'm pretty sure Mic doesn't have to worry about anyone ever reaching his colossal post count anytime soon. xD
    Oh, and his points just caught up with him? xD I figured it would happen eventually. The guy got like, a 1000 posts a week xD
    How dare you sully the name of the Dolphins.

    MKiller made them a long time ago.
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